Chapter 25. Pow.

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Angel's P.O.V

I felt like for once I was working out. Ha. We were now in the woods of some part of a town. We managed to hide from people and hopefully not get caught. My arms ache and so did my legs yet I kept walking through the pain.

"Were almost there."

It was starting to get dark and the more darker the more dangerous of us probably tripping over stuff and not finding the tree house. The dark doesn't bother me when I'm inside but when I'm outside I begun to feel nervous and scared. Sasha would always be there when I was scared and always said she was there to protect me but this time I was protecting her.

"Ah! There!"

I looked up to see nothing but a bunch of trees.

"Where," I squinted.

We gently put her down. He grabbed a rock from the ground and threw it at the tree. I heard a crack and a ladder came down. He carried Sasha over his back and up we went. When we got up there I saw why I couldn't see it. The tree house was surrounded by trees.

He laid Sasha on a blanket and pillow. He pulled up the ladders.

"There we go we can finally rest."

I smiled and looked over to Sasha. She had a pain expression.

"Is she waking up," he mumbled.

I poked her nose and she hissed and rolled over.



"Wake up!"

She shooed my hand away.

"Later Angel, tell mom and dad to make you food."

I froze. I saw Light look at me confused. I wasn't sure how to respond..I never met my parents. Sasha never really told me but she said they were somewhere around the world looking for us.

"Sasha. Wake up your not at your parents," Light said.

"Light...what are you doing here."

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Suddenly they widened.

"Light! Angel!"

She looked at me and her eyes watered. She hugged me.

"Sasha!" I cried.

"Are you okay! Are you hurt," she asked searching me.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm alright."

She turned to Light.

"Hey," he mumbled.

She hugged him crying into his shoulder.

"Uhh Sasha."

I could only imagine his face turning red with the shakiness in his voice. She sobbed into his shoulder,

"I'm sorry."

"W-What! Why I should be sorry," he said.

She looked at him. His hand held her cheek.

"I'm sorry and to make it up to you I'll get those people who did this to you."

She stopped.

"Sasha," I mumbled.

"Those traitors."

I tilted my head. She looked over to me,

"You guys should rest you must be tired from carrying me all day."

I nodded and I laid down next to her. She sat beside a window and was in some deep thinking. She made me nervous when she's like that.

"Good night," I mumbled.

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