Chapter 37. Lastly..

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5 Years Later.

Sasha: Age 18.

-After her fighting and risking her life for the end of the holocaust she's fully healed though her body is covered in the scars from what she's been through and the number faded on her shoulder 1125. 

Light/Aaron Laux: Age 19.

-He has a harsh background and consider to be a murder but after what he gave information on the sites of the camps he was released all charges. He's healthy and tougher, his numbed faded on his back was burned out by him still some what visible the numbers 1---3.

Angel: Age 9

-Sasha's younger sibling, she's been taken care by her older sister, her mother and father where about are still unknown. She's healthy and has been fighting since she was born. 

Sasha and her crew stood right in front of a camp, guns were drawn and ready. 

"GO GO GO," yelled the commander.

A tank blasted through the fence and soldiers scattered everywhere shooting Nazi soldiers. Sasha quickly warned everyone to get down as she searched for more. After awhile of fighting they began to treat the ones in need and pasted out food. 

Sasha's P.O.V

I gave food out and looked around. So many were sick and hurt but they would live. I continued to give out food when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked back to see Light.

"Hey, how you feeling?"

"Hm...I don't know..I feel good, like I just completed my biggest mission."

"You did," he chuckled.

I looked around. 

"Alright take the wounded into the cars and the ones that can walk can walk for a bit and soon we'll bring more vehicles for them."

I nodded and continued to look around.

"Are you looking for someone?" Light asked

I sighed,

"It's pointless I know there gone now, but I thought well feel like there somewhere alive," I gave a big sigh.

"Well we'll look for them and find the answers. Hopefully that feeling comes true."

I smiled.


After rescuing many people it was over. Every thing was done but to Sasha, she still had one mission left.

I walked into the head quarters,

"Hey any luck?"

The lady in the front desk,

"Well it may be awhile as were searching all the bodies and people trying to find out there names."

I nodded.

"But your parents aren't marked dead."

I looked up at her,

"Actually they've been checked on."

My eyes widened and tears begun to fall out,

"Hey Brian take Sasha here and take her to the health care organization. It's where they're treating all the wounded."

I looked at the man named Brian and he smiled. I quickly ran to get Angel and Light came along as well. It was a half an hour drive but we pulled up the front of the huge building that looked like a huge tent. My whole body shook. We walked in and I begun to look around to see nurses and doctors treating people.

Brian went to talk to a nurse. I held Angel's hand and Light held the other.

"This way," Brian led us. 

We walked into another building where there were beds and people rested, though two people across from us were sitting up and a doctor was talking to them. The doctor pointed to us and there a face that I recognized. She looked much older..

I quickly ran to her and Angel right behind me. I cried and hugged her tight.

"Mom!" I cried.

"Oh Sasha! My baby. I'm sorry," she cried.

I cried in her shoulder and I looked up to see my father who had scars on my face and an eye patch over one eye. I hugged him tightly. I felt all my emotions drain from me. All I could feel was joy.

"I-Is this Angel," my mother asked.

I looked down to see Angel staring at my mother with red eyes.


They hugged,

"She's eight now," I said still crying.

After minutes of Joy we walked into another building where they served food. We sat down at a table.

"What happen to you guys," I asked.

"We knew they wouldn't find you because we led them far away. We would never abounded you please believe me."

"I do mom."

"Well after your mother and eye lost them we found another group. We joined them they were hiding from those horrible people. We went to go find you but you guys were gone, we thought they took you," my father sighed.

"Then we continued to find you and after years of hiding we were caught and taken to a camp where we were forced to do work. They beat me and even took out my eye but we managed to survive. We heard of a group coming to save us which I believe was you."

I nodded eating my sandwich.

"Then we fought against the Nazi's but only lasted a couple of days and that's when we  were put to march. We reached the other camp exhausted and we thought we were done for but then we were rescued by your military."

I smiled,

"I'm glad we were there in time," I smiled.

Light stood quiet and my father looked over at him,

"Who's that your boyfriend," my father teased.

My and his face both went red,

"Dadd!" I whined.

He chuckled,

"I'm joking what's your name boy."

"Oh, Aaron Laux. My mom's the chief from the military that rescued you but they call me Light."

"Ah, tell me boy. Are you in any connection to the boy that escaped and killed several Nazi's."

"Y-Yes that's when I escaped with Angel. We were on a mission to get the military to rescue people but it took years to get a bigger army."

He nodded.

"Well boy, I'm glad you rescued my daughter, I give you my blessings to marry my daughter."

"DAD," I yelled turning bright red.

They laughed and even Light laughed and looked at me. I teasingly glared at him. I is this it. I'm finally with my family. Happy and free. 

Dear LifeBook

I'm finally happy and get to breath without having to worry about loosing someone. Today marks the day they found out though there still days before everyone is safe hopefully not years but I have a feeling they have more camps hidden but I have my family. And I have my boyfriend Light. Haha, he's great...Thank you.


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