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-Long winding stone perpetual stairs go down a obsidian tower, with close to no light, corkscrew along the walls. On the endless stair case is Seto, wearing mages wear, running, trying not to trip. The cries of ghasts echo off the walls, creating visible soundwaves.

Seto keeps running away from the sounds, black cape trailing behind.

"Just go away!" He yells.

A dark voice laughs. "You think I choose to waste my time for no reason? Ha, I'd kill you now if I could. But time must roll on and I must complete what I started."

Seto just keeps running, until he trips on a block, tumbling down the dark stairwell.

He falls for a moment, until a wall randomly juts out of the flooring, and the room melts into a obsidian chamber with no light.

"What do you want from me?" He asks.

Two glowing white eyes reveal themselves without a word. Not enough for him to see much, but enough for him to see a maroon liquid dripping from the walls.-

Seto wakes up with a start, breathing heavily and tangled in his sheets.

He looks to see almost every one awake. "Well, I guess I'm on schedule at least," he says to himself, jumping down from his bunk and stretching out.

He walk to his chest and quickly changes into his clothes for the day.

He walks down the stairs and stands in line shoulder to shoulder for role call like everyday. Eats "breakfast" like everyday. And then they all line up once more to receive their emerald for the week. Eight to be exact. Most kids will go out and spend them all or a couple of them ASAP, but Seto is saving his for a brewing stand. Not something most twelve year olds want, but he is just fascinated by the tails of sorcerers and the comes mixtures of potions.

"Now children," Mrs. Susan says, "I am going to let you know it is raining today, so you may still go out, but I would like you to be careful if you do. But I suppose a upside would be no endermen."

"Yes mam," everyone says. She gives them all a warm smile, and leaves to go do the dishes. The children part, most leaving to go to the market place, while others stay in the orphanage.

Seto begins to walk towards the stairs to the dorm, but is stopped by someone grabbing him by the shoulder. He is turned to have his bronze gaze meet the taller one if FailSing.

"I believe you owe me something," he says.

"I owe you a kick in the crotch and a punch in the face," he says crossing his arms.

He laughs. "Ha, think you scare me? Why would I be afraid of a little twelve year old who plays make believe all the time? Now, the emeralds?"

Seto glares at him. "Well, if you where my friend I wouldn't mind. But your a ***, so I would like to keep these for a time of when I need to use them," he says, not really a big fan of cursing though.

FailSing laughs once more. "I have ways, Seto. Ways to get you to surrender your false pride. And I'll make you regret everything," he says walking off.

Seto shrugs and walks up to retrieve his book to read in the main room.

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