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"Why do you seek me," Lunaris says without turning around.

The shadow figure with swirling blue hair bows. "Master Lunaris, they've got him."

The queen's attention is brought. She turns towards the shadow girl. "They've got him do they?"

Fear enters the servant. "Y-yes."

She stands up, long silver hair swirling around her, creamy navy dress pooling around her feet, silver glitter sparkling, blue skin glowing, emerald eyes fierce. As if she was night itself. But she then begins to laugh.

"W-what is it master?"

"Ahh, this means nothing dear. Soon enough you all will know the reasons that lurk in my mind. Soon enough, we will have him. Soon enough we will win," she walks up to the tall glass window and looks out at the night sky, specifically at the shining moon. She reaches into her black moon cloak and pulls out a flask with the night sky. "Dear, tell Ms. Elements that we need a few more soldiers. And bring her this."

Silence. Basics. Lost. That is all Seto feels he knows. Thigh he never attended school, he was smart, even for people older than him. But now... he feels like his studies where a waste. All of this, was nothing for what events where happening at the moment.

"Bonker. Solace,." He says. His only two real friends. Now stuck in the apparent Hell he was sent too. Question is, why are they here?

Truth be told, Bonkers is a dragon, but what is Solace?

They are to far away to talk to. At least two levels higher. Maybe he will see them, maybe not. It's hard to tell at this point.

Seto sighs and walks away from the cell bars, finally feeling the weight of the day's events weighing down on his shoulders. Something is not right, not here, not in Deadlox's words, not in himself.

Jay walks out to the quartz balcony. She smiles at the Sky. She holds out her hand and watches the trendies of gold light slip from her gloved hand.

The light soothingly flows around the sky, slowly turning it from navy, to gold. For this was her job. Gold to day silver by night.

"Get up," a aggravated voice spits at Seto. He opens his eyes to see another guard. He holds a cardboard box in his gloved hands. "Put these on."

He walks out. Seto glances over at Sky and Ty (which he found out was Deadlox's nickname), still asleep.

He opens the box to find a set of odd clothes. The clothes of the mage. Specifically from his dreams.

He doesn't ask questions. His mind had Ben screwed with enough yesterday.

He slips into them quickly. Even putting on the silver crown, Just when the guard was coming back.

He opens the cell up once more, but this time grabs Seto by the arm.

He doesn't ask questions.

He is taken to a room and is asked to sighs some papers. He signs, not even catering enough to read them.

But as the guard takes Seto outside and walks him quickly through the village, he gets curious.

"Where are you taking me?"

He doesn't answer until he see's a school up ahead. Then the guard drags him behind a building.

"Listen kid, your going to a school. Attend like everyone else. You're required because mage's need to learn. But an hour a day you will be taken to a 'special' class. You got that? Don't ask question, don't try to run away, and never mention us. Ever. Ask questions we'll teach you not to. Escape, we will find you and teach you. Mention us, you're bound for a world of suffering. You got that? Now get Setosorcerer" He pushes Seto into the open.

"Setosorcerer?" He asks, but when he turns to see the man, nothing is there except for scorching ground where he was standing. "I-I guess I just go then." With that, he walks toward the wood building.

Mage's CurseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin