Energy deprived mage

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The tall building is what Seto sees. Large and made out of wooden planks. A potion shop to be exact.

He drifts to the right side of the path silently, most of the busy people ignoring the short hooded boy as he dogged the people near trampling him.

You'd think you would notice the one afraid to show his face.

He sprints up towards a near by alley way two shops down from the potion store entitled The Enchantress. Mages are uncommon but every city has at least one witch. Hybrids are pretty common too. The actual warlocks have a strange presence about them.

He shakes thoughts aside and gets back on track to his mission. Even his studies make their way into his everyday thoughs.

He emerges from the alley and opens the door to the shop, trying to act normal.

"Welcome to The Enchantress ya need any help try and figure out what the heck your doing because if you can't we probably shouldn't trust you with that stuff," a tired, agitated male voice says.

He turns to see a fish looking creature in a suit leaning on the counter. Blandly flipping through a book.

Seto gives a nod as he heads behind the shelves, looking at the large assortments of potions. He guesses the sorcerers left something behind after all.

He takes a look at the multicolored liquids lining the dusty shelves. His eyes grow wide and he grins, remembering his dreams when he was young about wanting to be able to create these.

"What are you smiling about?" A voice hisses. He turns to see a bear like creature in a suit glaring at him as he grabs a regeneration potion off the shelf.

He's a bacca to be exact. And the closest person he had to a friend at the orphanage. But now he appears to be nineteen. Maybe twenty.

"Jerome..." he breathes.

"How the hell do you know my name?" He gives Seto a confused look.


"Nah I'm just kidding!"

Does he really remember him? Seto can't help but grin. "Really?"

"Yeah! My names everywhere ever since Mitch and I joined the survival games!"

The light drains from his eyes and his smile fades. "Right... the games..." Seto is disappointed that he can't remember him. Sure, they weren't very close, but it seems the closest person he has to a friend these days is Quill. He doesn't even know what the games are.

The bacca turns back to the shelf, deciding between regeneration and fire resistance.

Seto takes the opportunity to slink upstairs before anyone else can notice him.

He goes to the third floor, the too floor, where the high level potions are kept. If he is going to do this, might as well make the best of it.

It's obvious there is no one else up here. As far as he can tell, Jerome is the only other person and he's on the first floor with the clerk.

He takes off his hood, his coppery hair falling around his face and on top of his crown.

He looks up at the shelves and beams wildly. Multicolored potions glint in there crystal bottles, bubbling, ready to he used. Sure, he could make most of these himself, but they still fascinate him, even the ones above his level.

He trails his ham along the dusty wood, recognizing the bubbly mixtures.

Shape shifting, hand of fire, healing... all of them. But as beautiful as they are, some can be deadly. Like shape shifting.

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