Anoying snoop

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Seto's eyes tiredly flutter open to be met with the red of sunset. Bouncing off of grubby wood walls. He lightly closes his eyes.

"Are you avwake?"

He opens his eyes in response.

"Ok then. Thought you vwoke up a few times for you to pass out again."

"Hmmmm," he moans.

"Don't go back to sleep bastard, I've been vwaiting a vwhile."

"You don't need to worry I think."

"Ok good. Fall asleep and I'll give you a good clockin' on the head."

He looks around a the disheveled house. Not much. Dirty, card table, cigarettes and alcohol.

He does register that he is in a small bed, and to his distaste the only thing keeping him covered are the sheets he is laying Under. His face flares up as he pulls the covers up awkwardly.

"Haha, no reason to be ashamed, seen it all. Besides who do you think got you like that?"

He just turns redder.

"Anyway," he changes the subject, "are- wait are we in the Overworld? I see sunlight."

She nods. "Yes."

"This your house."

"Yeah. Not much to look at."

Seto shrugs. "Could be worse."


The two sit there for a moment.

"Your back still sore? Hell of lashes you got there. Had a few potions, but your going to have some bad scars."

Seto reaches back and places a hand along the uneven skin. Now that she mentions it, it does feel pretty bad.

"A bit. Yes."

"Oi sorry to hear. Used up my potions already-"

Seto interrupts. "No, it's fine, not anything I can't handle."

"Glad to hear. Good to toughen up."

"So... your the Oracle of Death?"

The two sit awkwardly for a second. "Ey. Russian Roulette is my name."

He raises a eyebrow, "Can't oracles do magic?"

Her face fills with rage. "And vwho said I couldn't bastard!" She slams her hands into the card table, standing up.

"I didn't see you do it there!"

"Vwell!..." Se pauses and sits back down. "No i can not do magic."

"Then how-"

She stands up and slides on her coat. "Come on."

"Wait- where?" Seto asks.

"We're going to talk about this over a drink. So get up and let's go."

"Wait... I can't really...."


"Can I have some clothes?"

She rolls her eyes and walks to another room.

When she walks back, she holds a small bag made of cow skin. "I grabbed some of your stuff. Sure as hell ain't lettin' you vwear my clothes."

She tosses him the bag. He catches it and begins to sift through the items. Set of clothes, pajamas, cloak, that... weird potion, a plain silver sword, and his diary.

"Hehe, good stuff written in there."

He looks up. "Wait... did you seriously l-look I-in here."

"What was going to stop me? I was bored, I arrived a tad earlier than expected."

Seto's hand shake as he clutches the book. no one was ever meant to read this. He feels like throwing up. running away from her.

"You seriously invaded my privacy like that?"

"Yeah, why? Pretty weird stuff in there. Ha, it was funny when Quill made you fight that monster and you accidentally-"

Seto's cheeks flush violently. He looks down. "Please don't talk about that. That was one of the most embarrassing days of my life. I was humiliated," he whispered.

He remembers that day well. It was the first monster he had ever fought. He was fifteen. It was horrifying to him, but to every one else it was weak. Most people caught there first monsters at twelve. And they where twice as bad. it scarred him so bad. All he could do was stand there frozen. Quill urged him to make a move but all he could do was stare. He wanted to run so bad but he couldn't. And when it roared at him all he could do was scream. To him it was a creature from his nightmares, not a low level target. The people watching him laughed, insulted him.

He had stared at the gruesome creature, petrified. He wet himself then. He couldn't help it, he was so scared. He has cried. He felt so shameful. Quill was going to kill him. He was a disgrace. He couldn't even take on a small hydra. he had ran as fast as he could. He ran through the tower. He ignored the other apprentices snickering at him in his shameful state. They knew he had when to fight a monster that day. All he wanted to do was hide.

He ran into his room and slammed the door closed, changing from his soiled clothes. He hated himself. All he did was sit in his bed sobbing. He had just humiliated himself. And that creature, it had appeared in so many of his nightmares before...

He sat like that for at least a hour. Until he felt a arm wrap around him. He didn't dare look up.

"You know, I could not fight my first monster either."

He didn't have too look up to know who it is. He threw his arms around her and buried his face into her chest. He needed her so bad then. He had fallen asleep like that, in her arms. He had needed it more than anything. He needed a guardian. And he remembered wailing up, wrapped in Quill's arms, head on her chest, curled up against her

This was one of the most personal days of his life, no one was ever supposed to read that, and she just read about it all.

"H-how much of it did you read."

"Finished the whole book," she says. " I read fast. Mind boggling to humans."

There where many other personal events where that one came from.

"I can't believe you read that..."

"Hehe, some parts where pretty funny."

"It's not meant to be funny!" he snaps. "Those are the most personal days of my life! A-and you read them!" He can feel his heated cheeks begin to cool by something wet.

Roulette's mouth presses into a straight line. "what are you crying about?"

"Those where some of my most personal days!" He screams. "Did you expect me to be ok with this?! I still have nightmares about some of this stuff!"

She looks down. "hey kid I'm sorry-"

"I don't give a damn! I-I wish Quill was still here! Then I wouldn't have to be here!" He hugs the book tightly to his chest.

"Hey kid, how about vwe go get that drink, it'll take your mind off things."

"But I'm only eighteen."

"Shut up, your twenty one today."

This was basically to build on Seto and Quill's relationship. He may not have realized it when she was alive but he loved her like a mother. Also we built on Roulette, basically she is a snoopy prick on the outside but the next chapter is I show what's in the inside.

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