Diffrence of Normal

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-Seto was running, once again in Mage wear, silver sword in hand, eyes looking for the tiniest movements.

A rustling come from a bush, and he yucky launches a wave of energy at it through his hands.

He runs from the scene, due North. He looks up at the moon and raises the sword in the air.

"For all that is! For thy who hides in the shadows! For thy who is which a lie!" He yells, with a sense of defeated sadness. "For thy who keeps fighting! For thy who dies!"

He kneels down, and begins to whisper. "For thy who had failed. For The Shadow Army." He eyes his sword. "For the Shadow Army. For The Mystic Republic." He lifts his sword high into a stream of moonlight. "For Quill!" He yells. "For the failed truth." He brings down the sword and,-

He wakes up, sitting up suddenly, sitting up. A wave of pain hits his head, and grabs it by instinct. Yep, he was defiantly sick now if he wasn't. But it don't feel like a normal cold. His head felt like he was in a airplane descending far to quick, his stomach felt hallow, his hands where numb, and he could barley stay awake.

His stomach lurched.

"Oh, Notch." He quickly jumps from the bunk and runs out of the room.

He runs into the bathroom to empty his stomach.

"I guess this is what happens if you fall asleep in a alley while it's raining and almost spring." He holds his stomach.

He felt cold. Like he laid down in the snow. He shivers and try's to stand, but he can't. He starts to panic. He grabs onto the counter and gets up on his knees. This Is defiantly not a cold.

He pulls himself onto his feet, only being able to stand for a moment. He falls back down in a fit of coughing.

He hears a knock at the door.

"Hello?" He croaks.

"I heard running and a door slam. Are you ok?" It's Ms. Zox. The youngest of the three.

"I don't think so," he says.

The door opens to reveal a tall woman in her forties.

She looks at him with concern. "Oh, you don't look so good Seto."

"I feel horrible he says."

"Why's your face all scratched?"

"I tripped," Seto lies.

She walks over. "Come on Hun. Let me check your temperature."

Seto try's to get up again, but fails. Ms. Zox walks over to him, biting her lip. She picks him up off the ground.

Mrs. Zox is worried about the boy. He looks horrible and he can't stand. Something is very wrong.

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