Open your eyes

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"Open your eyes."


"Open your eyes."


"Just snap a glance."

"I wish not to be in a trance."

"Take a peak."

"Your eyes are not what I seek."

"Just open your eyes."

"I don't want to be in demise."

"It's not so hard."

"I don't want to be your playing card."

Seto grips the slick and cold stone he lays on. He can feel the creature get closer, it's hot breath on his face as he turns away.

He can feel something warm and slimed tracked up the side of his face.

"You know... eyes are windows to the soul."

"And it is wrong to look into the eyes of something that is dead."

"Hehe... I suppose your right."

Drip, drip, drip...

Warm liquid splatters into Seto's face. It tastes coppery. Blood.

"Just leave me alone." No emotion shows in his voice.

"Just ket me see your eyes," he is very close to him. "I've heard they sparkle like the stars."

He remains silent.

One look couldn't hurt? Seto pries his eyes open, only to stare straight into candy red eyes. Scratch that. Blood red. Rivulets of blood stream brown his pale face, staining his silver hair as he straddles on top if him, staring into his eyes.

"See Seto? Not so hard."



"W-what do you want," Seto trips over his words as he watches the blood poor down his former friend's face.

"Eyes... eyes, they are windows to the soul. But... I HAVE NO SOUL ANYMORE!" The candles in the area flicker out one by one as the demon yells in his face. But in moments, silver smile emits from his mouth.

It snakes it's way down Seto's esophagus. Unlike the bronze smoke that forced its way down and burned as it choked him, the silver smoke easily event down. Seto closes his eyes and accepts it into his lungs.

"Let me here our voice," he clutches Seto's short. "Please! it's dark in here.... the voices... please let me hear your voice... I'm scarred."

He leans on him, wrapping his arms around him. "Let me know you here. I'm so alone!"

"I'm, I'm here, uh... Your not alone."

"But... I'm dead... no one is here for you when you die. It's darkness... voices... HELL! Just let me here you. sing. Please."

Seto looks at the entity pressed to his chest. "Uh, Tick tock, tick, tock, gears grind into place, to some though that isn't the case. Breathe in the soot as the lights fade, lay down a card filled with spades. Every night the wings beat in a sparking mess, as the children in cogs look in distress. Wait now until the industry shall rise, wait for it to crumble in butter demise. Every night the angels wings will creak as the card deck ignites in the air. Wait for the bullet to pass through the heart of advancement and thrill overtakes.

Pull the trigger and watch them drop.

Pull the trigger and watch the gun drop.

Hope is all that can help us in realization.

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