The school yard

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The school was filled with kids his age and up. Only they where dressed up like normal kids, not in a mages wear. It's not like sorcerers are shunned or anything, but they are strange and Rare to see, some don't even know they exist.

So, of course, they found Seto odd. True, his study habits where odd back at the orphanage, but now, here he is with powers he doesn't know how to use, wearing the clothes of a mage.

He calmly walks down the hall to get his schedule, ignoring the occasional glance. Like he really cared what others thought.

The older woman at the desk smiled when he walked up awkwardly. He eyes scanned him.

"Oh! Hi... What can I help ya with Hun?" She asks, setting down the magazine and lowering her glasses.

"I'm... new. I'm here for my schedule."

"Ok! What's ya name Hun?"

"Seto...Sorcerer." His name feels a little odd now."

"Ok Seto!" She picks up a ffile and flips through it. "Here ya go! Have a nice day!" She happily says.

"Thanks," he smiles quickly, before quickly walking off.

He walks to his locker, to yet the combination. He get's it the first time, but when he opens it, a note falls out.

'Ignore the schedule. Come to the basement.'

He knows who it's from. He's not a idiot.

He closes his locker, and looks at his map of the school. Down the hall.

But he doesn't want to go.

But he has to.

He looks around. No one.

He takes a step.


Two steps.


Three steps.

No matter what, nothing good could lurk behind that door. Nothing but regret.

Half way there he looks around again. No one.

Another step.

A sick feeling.

He's at the door. He reaches a hand out to the door knob. He hesitates.

The bell rings.

His eyes grow wide, and he quickly opens it, shutting it ASAP.

No one needs to share his fate.

It's dark for sure. No one has been here for a while.

He takes a step and the boards creek under his foot. He has reached a set of stairs.

Clap. Clap.

Redstone to arches light along the dusty stairs. He tries to strain his eyes to see what's down there, it who clapped, but it's too dim.

"Close your eyes."

He turns around, feeling the cool words come from behind, but no one's there. Nothing but dust and shadows.

He reluctantly shuts them.

A sudden lurching feeling tugs at his stomach and he feels as if he is being yanked back, off his feet.

His eyes quickly open, to see he is now standing in a dim lit room, with high wooden ceilings, book shelfs, and a desk covered in papers and books with a single lantern and window.

As amazing as this place is! it feels wrong. Like he shouldn't be here.

"Ready?" Ty asks Sky.

"I was born ready."

"Overused line."

"Hey Ty, I don't care."

Deadlox rolls his eyes. He shuts his nether quartz colored eyes and reopens them, this time being a bright violet. Wings erupt from his back along with a tail, and fangs jut from his mouth, and the green lights on his headphones fade from green to purple.

Sky takes off his glasses, and softly closes his green eyes. When he reopens them, the glow bright yellow and the gem in his necklace is brighter.

"Let's go," Deadlox says.

He jumps from the nether brick buildings d swoops over the red hot landscape. Sky closes his eyes, and fades from the spot.

Sky reappears in a small nether brick room and Deadlox flys in, landing on the balcony.

"Hello," A bitterly smooth voice calls. The man turns around to face the young boys.

The duo bows. "Hello Master Herobrine."

"Dear children, no need to bow to me."

"Sorry master," they say at once.

"No no. No need."

"Why do you summon us Master?" Sky asks.

"Oh, not much," He says, glancing at a picture high up, that is hard to make out. "But there is one thing," he says, voice as warm and smooth as lava. "Three is... how you say, a traitor."

The duo look at him. "He would never," Deadlox growls.

"Oh, but he did dear Enderlox."

"Father, he would never, I... he just wouldn't," Sky says.

"My dear Skybrine, it pains me so, but he did."

"So Moonlit have the advantage on us now, it's over," Deadlox bitterly speaks.

He gets a angry glare from Herobrine. "It's not over! They have no such advantage! They have only weaken us slightly! Just you see."

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