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"Oh well thanks... first thing I always ways tell people when they get randomly throw into jail, is 'welcome to hell!' and take a bow!" Seto says rather frustrated, running a hand his hair, sliding down the rough wall.

"Hey in our defense, this isn't jail," Deadlox says, earning a glare from Seto.

"Then what is it," Seto breaths out in defeat, as he puts his head on his knees.

"Some sort of facility for paranormal," Sky says, leaning against the wall, crossing his arms.

"You are paranormal, right?" Deadlox asks.

Seto sighs. "I don't know. I guess."

"What do you mean you guess?" Deadlox says, making sure his headphones are recording. Dky gives a approving nod. Seto doesn't seem to notice.

"Well, I was being attacked back at the orphanage by a kid, when he was about to hurt me, I closed my eyes. but when I opened them, a sphere of deep purple formed around me. After that I felt drained. Now I'm here."

Sky tilts his sunglasses down and looks at Deadlox. He nods and Deadlox returns it.

"Hmm, Mage I suppose," Deadlox says. "sorcerers are hard to come by. You know many where killed back in the day. They where feared. Odd to see one now. Most of us are hybrids or artificial. Im a hybrid, Sky has false power."

"Yep," he says in agreement.

"So... I'm a sorcerer then?" He questions.

"Well, yeah," Dealox says.

"But, this never happened before..." He trails off.

"Before what?" Sky asks, sky and Dealox quickly glancing at each other.

"I found this." Seto picks up the silver crown that he had found. Sky takes it.

"Hm, maybe your an artificial. Where you wearing it at the time?"

Seto shakes his head.

"Nope, you're a mage. If you where like Sky, you'd have to be wearing it. Must have awoken your powers or something."

He's about to respond when he notices the sound of a door opening and the clunking of boots. Then he see's a guard walk past them. With two people. Two people he could always trust.

Deceptibonk and GoldSolace.

His eyes grow wide. "What is this," he whispers. "Is this even legal? Does the public not want us, or do these people just not want us?"

"Well... I can't tell you," Deadlox breathes out.

"What do you mean?" Seto growls.

"What I mean is... I guess your gonna find out eventually. There are armies out there."

"No dip sherlox," Seto says.

"No, armies you have never heard of. The Moonlit and Hell's Army. The night sky and Hell are at war. Battling to collect recruits. Forcefully. Some even create disposable fighters... I'm afraid that's all I know," Deadlox lies about not knowing more, earning a approving glance from Sky, signaling that that was all he should say. Let him learn as time goes on. Or never. For they are loyal members of Hell's Army.

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