Chapter 2

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"Excuse me Sirs, you're late.", an unfamiliar Irish accent filled the boys' ears. They were busy talking to each other and when they looked at where the voice came from, their jaws immediately dropped. In front of the classroom was a young and good looking guy, maybe around his twenties. He had bleached blonde hair with brown roots showing and his eyes were a beautiful icy blue. The blonde was wearing a slightly fitted v-neck shirt paired with some tapered jeans, yet fitting his rear perfectly, and white Supra shoes. He was muscular but not as muscular as Liam. You could say, toned yet muscular in the right places. Oh, you get the point.

Could this be their new teacher? They all thought.

Liam was the first one to talk. "We're sorry, uhm.. Sir?", he trailed off thinking of a good excuse. The other three closed their mouths when Liam nudged them, calling their attention. They realized that they were practically drooling over the guy in front of them. But Zayn couldn't stop looking at his body up and down. He was practically undressing him with his eyes. What the hell was Zayn thinking? "I'm straight. I'm staight. I just find him good-looking, that's all. I mean, I find Harry, Louis and Liam good-looking too right? This is normal. " Zayn began chanting to his self, denying his sudden attraction to, who they think is the new teacher. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard him speak again.

"Since we still don't know each other, I'll let you guys slip this time. Now, go to your seats." The teacher said sternly. There were four chairs left in the 2nd row and 3rd row. Zayn quickly sat by the window, Liam beside him on his right while Louis was at his back and Harry behind Liam.

The teacher in front clapped his hands, catching everyone's attention. "Okay, so I'll start off with the basics. My name is Niall, Niall Horan. As you can see, I am going to be your new teacher in Mathematics or in a more specific manner, Calculus. Please do call me Mr. Horan from now onwards.", he started. "And for those who noticed, I apologize for my attire today because the faculty did not inform me about the teacher's attire here in Bradford High." He explained formally. The students were surprised by the way Mr. Horan talked, it was very formal and professional for someone who looks like the same age as them.

"You can ask me questions, as long as it's not too personal." Niall stated. People began asking him questions at the same time here and them. He was beginning to get irriated. He rubbed his temples in circles with his two fingers. "One at a time, please. Just raise your hand."

Liam raised his hand as Niall gestured him to continue. "Single? Taken? Engaged? Married?"

"Single.", the teacher answered. You could here a lot of girls and boys cheering when they heard his answer.

In Bradford High, there's a number of gay and bi students here. Some of them gets bullied, some doesn't. It depends on how you look that's why Larry (Louis and Harry) and Liam do not get bullied. Stupid, I know, but that's the way it is nowadays.

A girl in the front row raised her hand, "How old are you and when is your birthday?". Niall's gotten used to this question. He does look young for his age. Even the teachers around Bradford High couldn't believe him. "Turning 22 on September 13.", he answered flatly. He was tired with this question already.

Zayn's Point Of View

Woah, he's that old already? Not that old but you know what I mean. He just looks younger than he is. I saw Louis raise his hand then asked, "What's your sexuality? Straight, bi or ga-", he was cut of when Harry slapped his head. "Isn't that a bit too personal, Boo?" he fake smiled, receiving a grunt of pain from Louis as he rubbed the back of his head where Harry slapped him.

The whole class waited for Mr. Horan's answer. You could see him shifting uncomfortably. He was looking down, trying to avoid everyone's gaze. Suddenly finding the floor interesting. "Uhm..", he started. The school's slut, Veronica suddenly said, "You don't have to answer that, babe. But I'd be glad to fulfill your desires, if you know what I mean.". She winked at him and I immediately saw Niall's- wait I mean Mr. Horan's disgusted face but quickly covered it up and tried his best to be polite and said, "Sorry, love. But I don't swing that way.". Laughter soon erupted inside the room as Veronica's eyes widened and her cheeks reddened because of embarrassment. It was her first time being rejected by a guy whenever she offers sex.

But wait, he's gay? I mean, this Sex God is gay? I bet he has every girl falling off his feet yet he chose to root for the other team? Hey, I'm not complaining. Just shocked. I can't help but feel happy with this newly found information. I can imagine myself doing naughty things with him, making him beg for more. I wonder how bi- Shit, what did I just think? I shook my head, trying to forget what I just thought. What the hell? I'm straight. Zayn, you're straight. Don't forget that.

"Okay, so enough with the questions and let's start with the introductions, shall we? Starting with the front row."

The students started introducing their selves and as minutes passed, I felt everyone's eyes on me. Oh, it was my turn now. I wasn't really paying attention the whole time. Someone tapped my shoulder and I felt electricity jolt through my veins. It was short yet it left a burning sensation on my shoulder. I looked up and there he was, the Sex God himself right in front of me. He arched his left eyebrow, waiting for me to introduce myself. I gulped and stood up, trying to avoid his eyes and stared at the floor. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt and stuttered, "I-it's Z-zayn, Zayn Malik.". Did I just stutter? I think I did. This was the first time I, Zayn Malik, the most popular guy in school get nervous around someone. I glanced at my best mates and sure enough, they were grinning like idiots. Like I told you, this is the first time that Zayn Malik was nervous. I was always so confident in everything but not that overly confident in the egotistic kind of way. But now, I'm not so sure anymore especially when Mr. Horan's around. What's wrong with me?

"Familiar name. Oh, right. The teachers told me about you.Top student in this class and also in other subjects, I assume?" Mr. Horan smiled, looking at me intently. I was looking everywhere but him. My only response was a curt nod.

"Great, I hope we'll be having fun for the rest of the school year.", he said as if having a double meaning to it. I turned my gaze back to him and woah, was it just me or did he actually wink at me? I could feel blood rise to my cheeks and I just nodded at him then sat down burying my face in my arms. Never have I been so embarrassed and nervous in my life. Never. The introductions continued when the school bell finally rang, signalling that class was finally done. That was the longest hour of my life, I could feel Mr. Horan's eyes on me time to time and I couldn't help but shift on my seat uncomfortably trying to avoid him as possible.

I quickly stood up and went out of the room as soon as possible, I could hear the boys calling after me making me stop on my tracks. I waited for them to catch up and I continued walking again. Right now, I am not in the mood to talk. Sadly, Louis had other plans. "Oh my God Zayn! You totally like him! I think he fancies you too! Have you seen the way he looked at you?", Louis gushed. Just when I was about to deny it, Lou added "And don't even think about denying it! But Zayn, I thought you were straight?".

"I am straight. What made you think I'm not?" I retorted.

Liam decided to answer for Louis, "First, why would you be so nervous around him? You even flinched with the slightest touch. And when we entered the room, the minute you set your eyes on him, it was as if you wanted to jump on him right then and there.". Huh, as if they weren't drooling on him too. Fine, I admit. I was drooling all over him like my gay best friends. Maybe it's because I hang out too much with them.

"And second, your problem down there isn't actually helping you deny it, mate." Harry added, as the three of them stifled their laughter. What the fuck does he mean? My brows furrowed, not understanding what Harry just said. Liam noticed this and said, "Look down, Z.". And when I did I couldn't help but feel so embarrassed! I was pretty sure that I had a boner so I covered it right away and hid behind Liam. When did I get a boner because of a guy? Or maybe it's not because him, yeah, it's not because of him. I'm not gay, I'm straight.

"Shit, Li. Go take me to the bathroom, please." I hurried Liam, pushing him with my right hand. The other was covering my massive boner. God, can this day get any worse?


I know it's short! Sorry! But I wanted to update sooo bad! I'm having a writer's block right now so, sorry for the crappy chapter.

And oh my God guys, you people are so amazing! I mean, thank you so much for reading my story despite its crappiness and all.

862 reads and 100 votes?! Seriously, I didn't expect that! I can't thank you guys enough!

I was thinking, what should I call the readers of this story? :) I want one! So comment your suggestions and I'll pick one!

I hope you guys continue reading this!

I love you all! <3

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Lusting For Mr. Horan (Ziall) (BoyxBoy) (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now