Chapter 6

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Niall closed the door gently and gulped nervously. Zayn crossed his arms and stared down at the floor, tapping his foot impatiently. The Irish lad cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, beginning with his explanation. He was clueless on why he even thought about doing this yet he believed that he needed to. "Okay, so.. Uhm..".


Before Niall could even start explaining, Zayn sighed in frustration and looked up at Niall. "I don't even know why I'm wasting my time here.", he spat harshly before going off to leave the classroom. "W-w-wait!", Niall panicked, blocking the half-Pakistani lad from the door. "Just let me explain, please! I don't know why but I really think I should explain it to you..", he started and began to continue in a rush. "Perrie and I aren't anything, okay? She came on to me and I as a teacher, did not want to offend her in any way so I was practically clueless as to what I should do in the situation..", Mr. Horan explained. Zayn just stared at him with a blank expression before it turned into a scowl. "So, you'd let her fuck you if that was her intent? Is that it? Is that what you're trying to explain? Because, hell, that doesn't make any fucking sense to me at all, /Mr. Horan/!", the younger lad shouted before he even realized what he said. He sounded like a completely jealous boyfriend and they were totally far from it. Why was he getting so angry over something that he shouldn't even care about in the first place? Just what exactly was he and Niall to each other? This was far from anything normal. This isn't the typical student and teacher relationship. They don't just touch or tease each other while on class. It was way far from that. This was something different. And Zayn was confused to how he ended up being in this situation. Things would have remained normal if this excuse of a teacher didn't teach in this school. And to add things up, that certain teacher turned him to slightly curved.

Niall bit his lower lip on Zayn's sudden outburst, racking his brain to think of the right answer. "I didn't mean it like that, Zayn! Trust me! I had no intention to do anything with her. She's a girl, Zayn! And you, of all people, should know that I'm gay! Before you make any assumptions, just hear me out! That's all I ask for. If you don't want to, then fine. You are free to leave this room.", Niall said quietly as he looked at Zayn. He hoped that at least the student would let him explain but Zayn just gave him a look of disapproval and brushed past him, walking out of the door.


After that day, the next couple of days were hell and the Ziall shippers were completely suffering from the lack of Ziall action. And so, Penny, the head of their fan club decided to make a move. She knew that the two were in a fight since people would notice how the two would give a look of disapproval to the other or just scoff and act as if the other does not exist. Niall would even ask Zayn the hardest questions and would get into a small debate with the younger lad as he tried to prove him wrong on his answers which would only end up taking up the time until the bell rang.

"Emergency meeting! Lunch time at the school's garden!", Penny announced to the club members in the class while she texted the others. She waited for the clock to strike at twelve in the afternoon and quickly gathered her things, going straight to the school garden. She smiled at the girls and a few boys as she stood up in front of them. "Okay.. Lately, Mr. Horan and Zayn won't stop but get at each other's throats! That's supposed to be a good thing but.. I meant the other one! The bad kind. I meant pissing each other off. Not shoving their tongues at each other's throats! And we all want that to happen but we won't be getting any of it if they continue this feud! So! The plan is just easy and I only need you guys to agree because I'll only be needing two to three people! Are you ready to hear the plan?", she asked and the girls and boys chorused a 'yes'. Penny smiled and started telling the plan. "The plan's simple.. All we have to do is get Zayn and Mr. Horan locked up in a room! Who knows? They might even fuck after making up! And we all want that to happen, right?", she squealed excitedly. The people cheered and nodded their heads in approval to the plan as Penny chose the people that would help her. "Lexi, Jillian, and Bryanna.", she called out as she dismissed the others. "Lexi and Jillian, you'll be in charge of Zayn. And Bryanna and I will be in charge of Mr. Horan.", she commanded. The three nodded and went of in their own directions. It was their lunch break and it happened to be Zayn's and Niall's too.


"This is exciting.. Penny even set up a camera in the abandoned room just so we could hear and watch them in action!", Lexi said in excitement as she walked down the hall with Jillian. "We must make this plan into a success!", Jillian cheered as she pulled Lexi closer to her side once he spotted Zayn coming out from the Biology classroom.

"Hey, Zayn!", Lexi called out and they could pretty much see that Zayn was in a bad mood just like this past week. "Uhm, and you are? Sorry, I'm not in a goo-..", Zayn was cut off when Jillian put her hand over the lad's mouth. "Just come with us! Someone wants to talk to you!", she whispered and Zayn rolled his eyes, assuming that it was just another girl who wanted to confess and really, he wasn't interested into being with anyone right now. Zayn was tired so he just nodded his head and followed the two girls. "Well, that was easy..", Lexi gave Jillian a highfive before skipping off to the abandoned room which was right at the end of the hall.

"Have fun!", both girls said as they pushed Zayn inside the room hastily, giving him no time to react. "Shit.", Zayn muttered under his breath as he looked around the dull room that was only filled with bookshelves, a teacher's table and a few broken desks and chairs.


"Mr. Horan!", Penny turned on her acting skills, putting a pained expression in her face. She had just recieved a text from Lexi that Zayn was already locked inside the room. "Yes, Ms. Anderson? What's wrong?", he asked concernedly while Bryanna gave Lexi and Jillian an acknowleding nod when they passed by with a thrilled expression on their faces. "I'm having trouble with this Math homework.. I really can't understand it! Can you please help me? It will be just quick! I promise!", Penny held her right hand up as if to swear that what she said was completely true and since Niall was nice, he couldn't decline something that was just a small thing to ask for. Although, he was quite suspicious because he knew that he had not given any homework in Penny's class which happened to be also Zayn's.

"Yeah, sure.", Niall said hesitatingly as Penny giggled and dragged him down the hallway. Smirking, Penny and Bryanna opened the door and pushed Niall inside of the room, saying the exact words Lexi and Jillian said to Zayn. "Have fun!", they both said before shutting the door and jamming the doorknob outside with a chair.


Complete writer's block! :(

You guys must really hate me! I know.. I'm sorry. I have a social life and since it Summer here, I did nothing but hang out with them. I even got confined in the hospital but only for two days. Nothing serious.

That's Chapter 6 for you guys! And I promise, I have a really valuable reason as to why I haven't updated. And up 'til now, I'm only using my iPod touch to update. My dad sold my laptop so I don't have anything to write with. I just forced myself to write this chapter here in my iPod touch for only one hour!

So again, I'm sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

I love you all, Lusters! And I hope you guys continue to read this crappy story of mine.

Again, that's me on my profile picture. Please ship me! :P Peace out!

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Lusting For Mr. Horan (Ziall) (BoyxBoy) (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now