Chapter 3

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Zayn's Point Of View

Liam did as I said. He accompanied me to the bathroom as I quickly rushed to the boys' comfort room and pushed him out. Luckily, no one was inside so I can do my "business" right away. I closed the door and went inside one of the stalls. I put down the seat cover and sat on it. I started unbuckling my belt, wanting nothing more than to get this over with. I pulled out my iPhone 5 and checked the time. Only 10 minutes before the next period. Got to do this fast. 

Well, here goes nothing. I unzipped my pants and pushed down my boxer briefs as my cock sprung out in all its glory. I gulped, getting nervous. I never wanked in school before and I don't want anyone to catch me doing it here in the comfort room. But.. Ugh, what the hell. Let's do this.

I slowly stroked my fingers around my cock first, making it fully erected as I began to wrap my fingers around it. I started to pump my huge erection in a slow pace, just letting my mind take me wherever it wants. Pictures of Mr. Horan led off into my mind, coming closer and closer to me. I imagined him taking little steps, walking towards me. He was looking at me in a seductive way, his eyes filled with lust, want, need and desire. He grabbed my collar, hoisting me up and pushed me against the wall. He had a firm grip on my waist as he attached his lips on my jaw line, leaving sloppy  kisses all over it. His hands roamed all over my body, familiarizing his self with every single inch of it then his fingers trailed off to my belt, starting to unbuckle it. He pressed his full weight against mine, feeling his slightly muscular frame. I could feel his crotch rubbing against my thigh as he finished unbuckling yet still attacking my neck with kisses. He knelt down at the same time he unbuttoned and unzipped my pants in one swift motion including my boxer briefs. Mr. Horan's face was right in front of my achingly large dick, feeling his hot breath on it. I was now jerking off in a fast pace, getting excited each passing second. I couldn't take it anymore as a loud moan echoed inside the men's comfort room. I was too preoccupied and light-headed that I didn't hear the sound of the door opening. I now had Mr. Horan's warm mouth around my cock, bobbing his head up and down while cupping my balls. Everytime he goes up, he caresses and slightly tickles the slit with his tongue, licking the pre-cum off. This was too much to handle as I wasn't able to stop myself anymore as I moaned, "God, Niall. So good..". I was now close to my climax, begging for release. I just wanted to cum so badly right then and there.

But it was now too late as I heard the most unexpected voice, "Zayn? Are you there?". The door of the stall opened and a pair of blue eyes were now staring at me while I was in my not so best position. Can anyone guess who? Yes, it was none other than the Sex God Mr. Horan. I had my hand wrapped around my dick and I was so close to reaching my climax, my pre-cum leaking. I couldn't ignore my throbbing erection. Fuck it! I was so close. This was such a bad timing. Where's my luck when I need it the most? Talk about bad luck, I was needing the other one. The good one. I immediately covered my cock with my two hands, blushing madly. His eyes trailed down to my hands and that was the only time he realized that I was masturbating! He closed the door instantly and panicked "Ah, shit! Sorry! I.. I didn't know you were uhm.. You know.. Gosh, I'm really sorry mate! I just heard you call my name so, yeah." I stood up, zipping my pants and buckling my belt. I sighed, this must be the worst day of my whole entire life. I went outside of the stall, still flushed. It's not everyday that the person you're wanking off to decides to just barge in while you're in the middle of your "session". 

I walked in front of the mirror and looked at it, my face was so red with embarrassment. He was standing there behind me, still apologizing. "Hey, don't worry. I won't tell anyone about it! You can trust me! Ugh.. This is so.. I don't know.. Awkward?", he said a little bit unsure. "I mean, I'm your teacher and it just so happened that I barged in on you doing.. Stuffs.", he blabbered.

I was just there, staring at myself. I was so frustrated. I didn't know what to answer to him. So I just whispered, "I-it's fine.. You didn't know.. Just.. Forget about it, okay?". I looked down at the sink as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. 

"Don't worry about that, Zayn. But let me just ask you, why did I hear you call my name?"

My eyes widened in realization. Of course, he fucking heard me! I just said the first thing that came into my mind. "A-ah! N-no, that wasn't you! It was my..", I abruptly stopped to think of who this "Niall" that I was referring to would be. "My.. Cousin? Yeah, it's my cousin. She's pretty hot."

Seriously, Zayn? That's your good of an excuse? Ugh, I am so dumb! Niall is a guy's name! And what the hell? My cousin?! It's not even normal to wank off to your cousin to begin with! I was getting really mad at myself right now. This is not one of my best days.

Mr. Horan's concerned face turned into a smug look. "Your cousin? Really, Zayn? You sure about that?", he asked in a teasing way. I muttered a timid "yes", not trusting my own words anymore and focused at the mirror again. When I looked, I saw him right there at my back. He was so close to me now. He whispered in my ear, "Mmm. If you say so, babe.", in a sexy, low and husky voice. That's when I suddenly felt my throbbing cock once again, reminding me that I still had some unfinished business. 

Just when I was thinking things will be getting heated, the door opened as another student went in. Mr. Horan backed up and went back to his normal self again and smiled, "I have to go back to my class now. I'll see you later Mr. Zayn! Oh, and don't forget your next period's about to start..", he stopped and looked at his watch and said, "Now.". After that, he was out of the comfort room acting like nothing unusual happened.

I was off to my class when I saw Louis by my locker. Probably, waiting for me.

"Hey! What took you so long? Let's get to class already!", Louis chirped. He started dragging me down the hallway. I looked around, noticing that it was awfully quiet and realized that we were the only ones left.

I just replied, "I don't want to talk about it right now.". It was enough for Louis to become aware of the fact that I dropped off the conversation, not really wanting to talk at all.

We were now rushing off to Biology class but I don't really care at the moment if we're late or not. I was to busy with trying to figure out something. There was only one question that I'm trying to answer here and now. And that is,

'Am I straight? Gay? Or maybe bi?', I thought to myself.


What do you guys think? :D

First of all, sorry for the long delay! I don't know, it just disappeared from my works so I had to redo the whole chapter. Sorry if the masturbating part sucked. It's my first time so.. Sorry!

Next, 6,246 reads and 504 votes. Seriously guys? Is it really that good? 

I decided to call the readers of this story as "Lusters". Yeah, so don't judge me!

Lusters, you guys are amazing! Thank you so much for reading this story! I don't even know why you guys are reading this. And oh my god! Even my favorite writers are reading this! I feel so ashamed of myself! Compared to their works, mine's nothing as in, crap.

I love you Lusters so freaking much from the bottom of my heart!

I migh not be updating for the upcoming week because it's our exam. For that, I apologize in advance but don't worry, I'll still try to update! 

Are you guys even reading this? I doubt that. Haha :P

That's all. Bye you amazing Lusters! :) x

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Lusting For Mr. Horan (Ziall) (BoyxBoy) (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now