Chapter 8

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(This is super rushed so I'm sorry if it is short! Read the author's note in the end so you'll understand why! I'll make it up to you guys on the next chapter!)

The next day, both Zayn and Niall were back to their normal selves. They tried to act casual. Like they were still mad at one another and to be honest, they looked like complete fools because almost everyone in the school knew about what happened between the two after they got locked up inside that abandoned room. And yes, you read that right. I said 'everyone' and by 'everyone', I literally meant every student.

The school may have a few numbers of homophobic people but they never really did anything about it. Almost the whole student body supported bisexuals, gays, lesbians and transgenders. They never found fault in the gender that the homosexual people would prefer to be with. Sure, some hated them but those close-minded persons were too damned to even have the time to say what they think. They just ignore it completely. The insults were there but it was unharmful, to be honest.

But in every stupid love story, there was always someone who came to ruin it all for the two main characters. I guess you guys already know who that is from just reading that part, right? Did a certain blonde-headed person come into mind? No. Of course it's not Niall, you dimwit. Guess again. That's it! The most loved and most genuine, Perrie Edwards. Please, note the sarcasm. (No offense to her fans, okay? This is basically just fiction so it doesn't reflect to her true identity. I have no problem with her or what-so-ever. My aim for this story is for it to be simply humorous and light to the mind.)


Jillian was too engrossed on what she was watching on her phone that she didn't notice the two followers of Perrie taking a peek behind her. Those two girls were named Amber and Priscilla. The two blondes gasped involuntarily and pulled out there cellphones, recording the video in the most silent way possible in order for them to be able to take a long record so that their master would recognize who the two guys were.

Penny of course, wasn't that dumb so she set that livestream to be only seen by the ones that had the link. They were all basically fans of many people so they had their own fan accounts. She tweeted it there and that was where her club members got the link.

"Oh they are in big trouble," Priscilla said in an annoying squeaky voice while she gave Amber a highfive. "Perrie's going to flip when she see this," Amber said with a smirk that could tick anyone off.

While those two were recording Jillian together with her phone to see what she was watching, Lexi from behind saw the doing their scheme.


"Perrie! You have got to see this! This is so disgusting! Gosh! It's disgusting," Priscilla beckoned and handed her phone to Perrie who was at their usual table. As usual, she was trying to push herself against this jock that she probably didn't even know. Too hormonal to even care.

Rolling her eyes, she stepped away from the jock and raised an eyebrow up at the her two followers. "This better be worth my time," Perrie sneered and crossed her arms, waiting for them to show whatever it was. "Now," she demanded impatiently which caused the girls to hurry over and hand Priscilla's phone to her. "It involves your dear Zaynie," Amber giggled fakely, causing Perrie to snap at her.

"Only I can call him that," she said possessively and frowned as she watched the video over the cellphone. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Was this for real? She felt like she was about to faint from just seeing them kissing. "Oh God," she covered her mouth and handed the phone back.

"So? What are we going to do," Amber asked excitedly. A little bit of revenge always excited her especially when it was from Perrie Edwards. "Are we going to get him fired? Or are we going to burn his house or," she continued with the suggestions, going on and on until Perrie got tired. "Would you shut up? Let me think for crying out loud," Perrie snapped harshly, causing her follower to shut her mouth and look down as if a puppy getting scolded by the owner.

The head blonde tapped on her chin at the same time with her foot as she thought of the perfect plan. She smirked and looked at her minions as soon as an idea came into her mind. "I know just the perfect plan."


Perrie walked inside the cafeteria with her mind set on looking for Zayn. She searched the crowd and grinned wickedly when he saw the raven-haired lad, skipping over to him. "Zaynie," she said in a 'sing song' matter. She went to straddle his lap and wrapped his arms around his neck, leaning into his ear when Zayn was about to push him off. "Play along if you don't want that video of you and Mr. Horan fucking spread around the whole campus," she whispered.

Zayn pulled away and raised an eyebrow up at her. He just smirked and gently pushed her off, getting up. He knew about it but a certain someone had already taken care of the problem. "Sure. Go make a fool out of yourself," he chuckled before walkinh away, giving Penny an acknowledging nod along the way.

Penny overheard the two bitches talking about the video and she was not one to mess with. You could say that their hair wasn't that thick as it was before. I wouldn't go into detail if you ask me. All you need to know is that she's gotten it all taken care of.


Okay! So this is just a filler chapter. This had been saved up in my drafts decades ago together with Chapter 9. You know what the problem is? Wattpad happened to wipe out all my drafts including this one. I had to write it again and I am truly not pleased with it. You know what's even more sad?

Chapter 9 already reached 3.5k words! All I had to do was add one final paragraph then I'm done!

Together with my other stories, all the effort I put on those chapters were gone to waste.

I guess that's my karma for not updating in over a year?

If you guys only knew my identity outside of Wattpad, you'll know that I am a very busy little girl!

You could pretty much say I'm on hiatus but I prefer not saying so.

So, I'm really sorry! It's our semestral break which is why I've been hanging around Wattpad lately. God, I missed this life. Basically just reading and writing gay smut. But yeah, reality's a bitch.

I've been pretty down lately too. If you go to my profile, people have been ignoring me which made me lose hope in all my books. I know I take years to update but I feel unwanted even more since no one's talking to me. Am I that unlikeable?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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Lusting For Mr. Horan (Ziall) (BoyxBoy) (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now