Hostages and Friends

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A/N: Hey guys! It's been a long time since I updated! I haven't really fixed most of the chapters from terrible grammar and spelling, but I'll fix it soon! For now, I just keep writing.


"That crazy television show?! How much money do they want?! An apology?! You know, I'll call you later Rick. It's been a day!" One of my associates called and told me the hostess of the talk popular talk show, Blainley-riffic, kidnapped two of my child contestants!

That's not the worst part! The kids' parents are worried sick and are calling their lawyers if I don't find them in two days! If they call their file a lawsuiy against the show, my career is doomed!

"How'd the talk with Ricky go?" Chef asked next to me. "That? Courtney and Duncan were kidnapped and taken as hostage by that old woman, Maria! She thinks she can just rename her daughter after her divorce and use her new name for a talk show, just to say she named the show after her! That woman is crazy I tell you! Crazy!"

"Yeah, but why would she do that? Have you ever done anything that could cause her to do something like kidnapping? Maybe a large, forgotten, million dollar loan? Payback for drinking all the wine in her father's wine cellar? Ruining her designer dress in front of the public with a jar of strawberry jam? How about going on a one-time date, ordering lobsters and champagne, promising to pay, and leaving her to pay thousands?" Chef asked with a smug look on his face.

Most of those were true. Well, all of them. I only ate out with her so I can eat some lobsters and drink without paying! Maria is a rich witch! How does she get all her money with breast and butt implants? Aside from her successful lineage and Blainley-riffic.

"Cancel the next challenge Chef! Today we'll search, and we'll search for two days!"

The kids all looked at each other with shocked faces. "Are we really going to cancel the next challenge?!" Geoff asked. "Yes. Yes we are!"

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