2- Merlin's Intuition

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Merlin reached Morgana's castle at last. Relief swept over him, but sleep swept over him much faster. He slipped down from his horse and leaned against a tree trunk. Unbeknownst to him, the chestnut mare he had been riding began drifting away in search of good grass to eat. Merlin was too immersed in sleep to hear the alarmed whinnying of the horse.


Arthur awoke to the sound of birds chirping and sunlight pouring into the room. He sat up, alarmed, but then remembered where he was and what had happened. He had fallen asleep thinking over Morgana's request, and still didn't know what he was going to do. He sleepily rubbed his eyes and climbed out of bed, sauntering over to the window and looking out at the mountainous view. For a reason he couldn't explain, Arthur wished Merlin was here. He couldn't understand why he didn't miss his queen half as much.

Eventually he left his chambers and found his way to the dining hall, and saw Morgana sitting at the table, a feast spread before her.

"Arthur!" she exclaimed happily. "I was just about to send for you. Come and eat!"

Arthur suddenly became very wary of her, but complied. He sat at the opposite end of the table across from Morgana. He didn't realize how hungry he was until he began to eat.

Morgana smiled at her brother. "You look refreshed," she commented.

"I feel refreshed," Arthur said between bites. "I never thought I would say this, but, thank you, Morgana."

The high priestess' eyes welled with tears. "You're welcome, Arthur," she said, and Arthur could tell she meant it.

Just then Odin entered the room and bowed. "We found a chestnut mare wandering on the surrounding hills."

Morgana glared at him. "You interrupted my wonderful breakfast with my brother just to tell me that!?"

"The horse was saddled," Odin clarified. "Which means, it had a rider."

Morgana's eyes widened with realization. "Find this rider, and don't come back till you've found something."

Odin bowed, then left. Arthur, who had been staring at the man the entire time, fixed his gaze once again on Morgana. "Is he your servant?" he asked, pointing to the door with an apple core.

Morgana shrugged. "He's...shall we say, pledged his allegiance to me," she replied.

"Ah," Arthur said with a nod. He continued eating.

Morgana smiled. It was good to see her brother again, and she was glad there was finally peace between them.

Arthur cast his eyes up from his plate to Morgana. His heart told him this was some sort of plan, but a part of him wanted to believe Morgana had put aside her wicked ways. He swallowed the last of his food and cleared his throat.

"How do I know I can trust you?" he asked.

Morgana looked up from her plate. "I understand your need for proof, and you will have it," she said, adding, "In due time."

"Why not now?"

"These things always take time, Arthur," Morgana cooed. "Haven't you learned that, being King?"

Arthur looked down at his plate and nodded. "It's difficult to determine who's loyal and who's not." His eyes went back to his sister, and he inwardly hoped she wasn't plotting his downfall.


Odin sent out scouts to cover each direction, and he himself rode out to where the horse had been found. He dismounted and walked around the area, searching for clues. His eyes fell upon a small depression in the ground at the base of a tree. It appeared as of someone had laid there.

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