4- Excalibur

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Arthur woke up the following morning feeling worse than before. He debated on returning to Camelot, but decided against it. Before he knew it, he had reached the Lake of Avalon.

Arthur stared out over the water and decided he would take a break from his riding. He dismounted and was about to step into the water when he saw a boat hidden by some tall grass. He went over to it and pushed it out into the water, hopping in it at the same time. He laid back in the boat and stared up at the sky. After a while he closed his eyes, letting his mind wander back to the day he had parted with Merlin.


"Come on, Merlin, don't lag behind," Arthur called over his shoulder.

"Well why don't you try carrying three rabbits and a crossbow sometime!" Merlin shouted from behind.

Arthur laughed, which only made Merlin more frustrated, but he smiled in spite of himself. He would do anything for his King, even if it meant being bossed around continually.

The two of them came into a clearing and Arthur looked around. "The Valley of the Fallen Kings," he breathed. "I didn't realize we had wandered this far from Camelot."

"I didn't either, Si-" Merlin was interrupted by a group of bandits emerging from the trees, belaying the battle cry. Merlin dropped the rabbits and crossbow and hid behind a rock.

Arthur rolled his eyes at Merlin, then drew his sword. Most of the bandits were easy to fight, but they were leading him further into the valley. Arthur had just struck down the last one when another group came running toward him.

Merlin knew Arthur couldn't face them all alone, and mumbled, "Berbay odarthay arisen yeldo, Astryce."

At his bidding, rocks began to tumble down the steep rock walls just as the bandits were reaching Arthur.

Arthur staggered back in shock. "Merlin!"


"Merlin!" Arthur shouted. He sat up with a start, not realizing that he had been dreaming. He laid back down, panting and trying to take deep breaths to calm himself down. He sat up again when he heard a splash in the water.

Arthur peered over the edge of the boat and saw a ripple in the water. He shrugged and assumed it was a frog or other creature, and started to lay back down when a glimmer caught his eye. He leaned out further to see what it was, and staggered back, nearly tipping the boat over, when a sword pierced through the water.

As it rose higher and higher, Arthur recognized it immediately. It was the same sword he had pulled out of the stone.

Arthur was even more surprised when he saw a hand grasping the hilt. He stared at the sight, unsure if he was still in a dream or not. The one who was grasping the sword emerged from the water.

"It is not by chance you have come here, Arthur Pendragon," the young woman said.

"Who are you?" Arthur asked.

"I am the Lady of the Lake," she replied.

Arthur struggled to find words. "Are you...a sorceress?"

Freya shook her head. "No, though I have suffered from the effects of sorcery, as have you. The great Emrys saved me, and he will save you, King Arthur." She held the sword out toward him. "With this sword you will be able to conquer all your enemies."

Arthur slowly took the sword from her and held it by the hilt, gazing up at it in wonder. He squinted and looked away when the morning sun reflected on it.

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