6- Betrayal

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Arthur watched as Gaius bandaged Merlin's head. "Will he be alright, Gaius?"

The physician turned to Arthur, a grave look on his face. "He's fractured the skull and there's internal bleeding. I fear he may not last the night." He brushed past the King and mixed some herbs on his desk.

Arthur stared at the ground, trying to comprehend what Gaius had just said. "There...there has to be something we can do! Morgana suffered the same thing from a fall, remember? You saved her! Why can't you save Merlin!?"

Gaius turned to him and took a deep breath. "My lord, Morgana was cured with magic."

Arthur's eyes widened. It took him a moment to find his voice, and even when he did he sounded raspy. "You...you mean...to tell me..."

Gaius nodded and fixed his eyes on Merlin. "I fear I won't be able to find the sorcerer again, Sire," he said quietly.

Arthur sighed. "The only one I could think of is Dragoon."

Gaius appeared confused, but then a look of recognition came to his face. "Ah, well, he's very hard to find, my lord," Gaius stammered.

"I'll do what I can to find him," Arthur said as he turned to leave.

Gaius stopped him. "There is another," he said slowly.

Arthur gripped Gaius' arms. "Tell me, please. We need to find him immediately."

Gaius thought for a moment. "I believe I know where he lives. I will summon him myself. Now, there's nothing more you can do here, Arthur. Get some sleep." He patted Arthur's shoulder and grabbed his bag and staff. "I will be back shortly."

Arthur watched Gaius leave, then kneeled beside Merlin and place his elbows on the bed.

"I'm so sorry, Merlin," he whispered. "I should never taken you to the Valley of the Fallen Kings. Then this wouldn't have happened." Arthur choked on the last word as tears threatened to fall.

Out of the corner of his eye Arthur saw something pass by the window. He stood up, trying to see what it was, but it had already passed. He faced the door when he heard it creak open.

An old man with a long, white beard entered. "Where is the patient?" he inquired.

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "Who are you supposed to be?" he asked suspiciously.

"Gaius told me to come quickly. He said a young man was dying."

Arthur sighed in relief and motioned to the bed where Merlin lay. The sorcerer went over to Merlin, his hand hovering over the manservant's head. Arthur watched warily as as the sorcerer recited a healing spell.

"Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare mid þam sundorcræftas þære ealdaþ æ!"

Arthur fixed his gaze on Merlin, but nothing happened. He came and stood beside the sorcerer. "Well? Did it work?" he asked a little more harshly than he intended.

The old man had a worried expression on his face. "That healing spell is the strongest one known to sorcerers. I-"

He was interrupted when Merlin coughed. Both Arthur and the sorcerer leaned onto the bed, Arthur being closest to Merlin. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. He looked at the sorcerer, who wore an equally appalled expression.

"A-Arthur?" Merlin asked hoarsely.

The King laughed. "It's good to see you, Merlin." Without thinking he leaned in and gave Merlin a tight hug.

Merlin sat in shock. The only time Arthur had hugged him was when the King found him in the forest, but the hug didn't seem legitimate to Merlin because he was enchanted at the time. But now, as his King warmly embraced him, Merlin hugged him back, basking in the Arthur's scent and memorizing his every move, every feature. He knew he missed his King dearly, but didn't realize quite how much until they were reunited.

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