11- Clouds Roll In

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As the days dragged on, Arthur's sickness became worse. Gaius did everything he could, but nothing seemed to help. One day the physician drew Merlin aside and said quietly, "Merlin, there's nothing else I can do. You'll have to use magic."

Merlin sighed and looked over at his King, who was sleeping soundly on his bed. Gwen held a cloth to his head and stroked his face gently. Merlin turned back to Gaius. "What would Gwen say to that?"

Gaius glanced at the Queen and whispered, "She doesn't have to know. It will be just as times before."

"But I don't want to hide anymore," Merlin whispered back. "Arthur said he might lift the ban!"

"Might, Merlin, might," Gaius emphasized. "It doesn't mean he will. For now you just have to cope, as much as it hurts to do so." He slung his bag over his shoulder and left.

Merlin watched him leave, then turned to Gwen and joined her at the bedside.

"He hasn't woken up since yesterday afternoon," Gwen said softly. "I don't know what else to do-" She broke into sobs.

Merlin wrapped an arm around her. "He'll pull through, Gwen, like he always has. Don't worry." He forced a smile.

Gwen smiled in return. "Thank you, Merlin," she said, wiping her tears away. She blew her nose as she left the room, leaving Merlin alone with Arthur.

Merlin gazed at his King and took a deep breath. He placed his hands on Arthur's chest and chanted, "Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare mid þam sundorcræftas þære ealdaþ æ!"

When nothing happened, tears came to Merlin's eyes and he feared his spell hadn't worked. He bowed his head in defeat, but raised it up almost immediately when he heard the warning bell. Without giving Arthur another glance he ran out of the room to find Gwen.


"It's Odin's men, my lady," Sir Leon was telling Gwen when Merlin burst into the throne room.

Gwen cast a worried glance at Merlin before replying, "Gather the knights and have them assemble at the southern border. I'll accompany you. Remember, don't attack unless I give the command or if they attack first."

Leon nodded and left, brushing past Merlin. The servant went up and stood before the throne.

"Gwen, what's going on?" he asked, though he felt he already knew.

"Odin's men have come against Camelot," Gwen said forlornly. "We aren't outnumbered, but he has more men than we thought." She rose from her place and began walking. Merlin followed beside her.

"Let me go with the knights," he pleaded. "You need to stay with Arthur."

"No, Merlin, you are going to stay with him." Gwen stopped on the steps in the courtyard and fixed her eyes on his. "He would want you to stay."

Merlin looked down at the pavement. He knew Gwen was right, but couldn't shake the feeling Odin's men were here because of him. In answer to Gwen he said, "Alright, I'll stay."

Gwen smiled and patted his arm. "Thank you, Merlin. I hope to be back shortly." She gave him a quick hug before disappearing into the stables.

Merlin looked up at Arthur's window and said under his breath, "I'm sorry, Gwen." He ran to the armory, mixing in with the crowd of knights, and found a suit of armor that fit. With some difficulty he strapped it on and grabbed a helmet. While he was looking for a sword his eyes fell upon Excalibur. He grabbed the hilt and looked up at it in wonder. He sheathed it to his side and left for the stables.

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