8- A Voice in the Dark

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Merlin woke up the next morning feeling groggy. He looked around for Morgana, but she was nowhere in sight. He got up from the ground and went over to his horse, who was drinking water from a nearby pond. Merlin patted the horse's neck and took a drink for himself, feeling refreshed.

That's special water. Morgana said from behind. It has healing properties.

Merlin turned to face her. "Morgana," he began, "things don't have to be like this. It's not too late for you to change. Things can go back to the way they were before...well, before you..."

You're wrong, Merlin. Things can never be the way they were. I will never be queen unless-

"Why do you want to be queen so badly!?" Merlin cried out. "Arthur is the rightful heir, not you! What would you hope to accomplish on the throne!?"

Merlin instantly regretted what he said when Morgana charged him. He jumped and urged his horse to galloped as he mounted it. Merlin looked behind him and saw Morgana in hot pursuit.

Merlin put up his hands to shield his face from the tree branches that he sped past. He heard Morgana neigh behind him.

I won't let you get away, Merlin! she said in his ear. You may as well give up. Your horse can't ride hard forever.

Merlin knew she was right, and brought his horse to an abrupt halt. Morgana hadn't foreseen this, and stopped herself several yards in front of him. Merlin took advantage of this by turning around and galloping away.

After an hour of riding, Merlin came upon an old, abandoned castle. His curiosity got the best of him, and he dismounted and squeezed through a gap in the iron gates.

As he wandered through the dusty hallways, Merlin couldn't help but stare in awe. He wondered why he and Arthur never encountered this place on their travels.


Merlin had forgotten about his King, who could be at Morgana's mercy, for all he knew. Merlin ran down the long corridor in search of the exit, but came to the throne room instead.

Merlin began to feel sentimental when he saw the vast room. It very much resembled the one in Camelot, and Merlin found himself picturing Arthur and Gwen sitting on the thrones with all the knights and nobles assembled in front of them. Merlin was snapped out of his reverie when he heard an all too familiar voice behind him.

Do you like it? This castle used to be in Odin's possession before Arthur let him take mine. Morgana said bitterly.

Merlin narrowed his eyes. "You accuse him of too much, Morgana. He's only doing-"

-what he thinks is right, yes, I understand! Morgana shouted angrily. But that's just it! It isn't right! And I will be the one to show him what right truly is.

Merlin waited for her to continue, but heard her no more. Merlin no longer felt her presence, and it worried him. He walked to the throne room doors and found them bolted. He mumbled a spell, praying Morgana hadn't seen, and made his escape when the doors flew off their hinges.


Arthur felt fatigue weighing down on him. He had one day left to return to the appointed place where Morgana would be reunited with her body.

Arthur stopped his horse and sank to the ground. He staggered, feeling dizzy, and clung to the horses' reins to steady himself. He closed his eyes, the events of his dream replaying in his head.

"M-Merlin," Arthur mumbled, feeling himself slipping away. "Please..."

Arthur thought he saw Merlin soften for an instant, but Morgana screamed, "Kill him!"

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