9- Plea Upon Plea

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Merlin returned to the hill that overlooked Camelot. He sat down at the base of a tree to rest. He hadn't realized how hungry and thirsty he was until now. He got up in search of food and drink, and a little while later he found a creek and began to drink from it.

After a few moments, Merlin looked into the water, seeing something shiny. He reached into the water and pulled out a piece of armor. Merlin's eyes widened in shock.


Arthur slowly turned around and gasped when he saw none other than his father standing behind him. The former king was abnormally pale and had a look of rage on his face, which frightened Arthur.

"Arthur," Uther repeated. "You should not have come here."

Arthur struggled to find words. "I-I...how...you-"

"I should have told you about this place," Uther continued, ignoring Arthur's incoherent stuttering. "A great and bloody battle occurred here. My knights and I were grossly outnumbered by warlocks and witches. Several hours later, I returned to Camelot, the only survivor of this massacre."

Arthur found it hard to believe what he was hearing, much less seeing. "But...why did you never tell me?"

Uther sighed. "I didn't think you needed to know. I should have known better. I had a feeling you would discover this place sooner or later."

Arthur looked back into the water. "I don't see any weapons that sorcerers would have used."

"Of course not. They didn't need any physical weapons. They had one which could reduce our swords to dust. This is why magic cannot live in the world, Arthur."

Arthur turned to his father, anger boiling up inside him. "Magic itself is not evil, Father," he said as calmly as he could manage. "It's those who use it for their own purposes-"

"No!" Uther shouted. "All magic is evil! Why can't you understand that!?"

"Because there is nothing evil about magic!" Arthur yelled. He wanted to tell Uther about Gaius, but kept it to himself, not wanting to expose the physician. "I bet if magic were proclaimed legal, half, if not more, of the problems I have today would be solved!"

Uther's eyed widened so big Arthur thought they would pop out of his sockets. "You wouldn't dare," Uther whispered so slow Arthur nearly didn't hear him.

Arthur crossed his arms and looked him square in the eye. "Try me," he said firmly.

Uther screamed and lunged for his son, but Arthur anticipated this and dodged him, but fell into the creek.

Uther stared down at his son. "There, this will put you in your place," he panted. "I leave you to the mercy of knights who have gone before you." With those words he vanished.

Arthur looked down into the water and felt armor wrapping around his legs, threatening to pull him under. Arthur called out, "Father? Wait! Don't leave me!"


Merlin looked up when he heard shouting a short distance off. Merlin started running toward the source of the noise, and came into a clearing where the creek was wider. He gasped when he saw Arthur struggling to stay afloat.

Arthur saw Merlin standing a few feet away and screamed, "Merlin! Help me!"

The manservant wasted no time and plunged into the water. Together he and Arthur were able to free him of the armor, and a few minutes later the two of them lay on the ground catching their breath.

"It's fortunate you came when you did," Arthur said.

"I suppose so," Merlin replied, wringing out his shirt. "What happened?"

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