Chapter 5

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ᝰ | ❝ joke's gone too far

The next day, Jason, Harry and I wait in the lobby at John F. Kennedy Airport for Carolina Bucci, the daughter of an Italian mob boss, to arrive.

"Jason! I've missed you sooo much!!" A blonde woman comes running towards us, her large breasts bouncing.

"M-Mr. McCann! Is that Carolina?!" I ask as I stare at the woman run over to us while I had my jaw hanging low.

"She's an intense woman." Jason says as Carolina's high heels clack loudly as she runs towards Jason, arms outstretched. "Do your feet hurt today, Aracely?"

"What?" I say as he crouches down as if he's looking at my feet.

Carolina's arms miss him, and she ends up hugging a column right behind him. "Jason?!" She squeaks. "ARGH!"

"Welcome to New York, Carolina." Jason turns around, pretending not to notice she was trying to hug him. He purposely did that to avoid her.

"I just love how cold you are!" She laughs and I cringe. "It's been a long time, Jason."

"You look... well." Jason says a little awkwardly.

"Yes, both Fang and I are just fine!" She giggles, holding her chubby hands to cup her cheeks.

"Fang?" Jason asks.

"Oh, haven't you met him? I got a Chihuahua! Look, look!" Carolina takes a Chihuahua puppy from a man in a black suit standing behind her as the dog barks. "Now, now! Don't bark at Jason, Fang! You should bark at that dumb bitch instead!"

I assume she means me. Yup, she's glaring at me. Apparently Mr. Bucci has already told her Jason has a girlfriend. She's still glaring harshly at me.

"Fang is very well-trained." Carolina's tone changes back to that annoying little squeaky voice. "He hardly ever barks at people."

"... Maybe he's just in a bad mood." Jason says as he looks down at the barking dog, then looks away from the Chihuahua. I wonder if he doesn't like dogs? Thats what it seems like. "Lets go to the car. I want to introduce you to Harry and Aracely."

"Oh, is this a friend of yours? I'd like to meet him." She giggles as she looks at Harry who was standing a little behind me. Carolina winks at Harry, but he just looks away.

"Let's go, Aracely." Jason puts his arm over my shoulders and we both turn to walk away, heading towards the parking lot.

"Aaaah! Waait!" Carolina squeals, chasing after us and Harry heaves a sigh and follows behind as well.

We head back to the hotel in Jason's limo. On the way there, Carolina's dog grows very fond of Harry.

"Fang never warms up to someone this quickly!" Carolina gasps blissfully, looking down at Fang who was attempting to climb back on Harry's lap. "Looks like Fangy has great taste in men, just like me." She giggles.

"Aren't you lucky that Fang is so fond of you, Harry?" Jason chuckles at him teasingly.

"I don't really like dogs." Harry grunts, rolling his eyes in annoyance as Fang climbs on his lap.

"Anyway, Jason, I cant believe you have a girlfriend!" Carolina brings up, shocked. "Especially when you had a chance with a woman like me! You're so mean!" She whines.

"Sorry." Jason replies dryly.

"It's not your fault, Jason! I'm sure that stupid bitch tricked you somehow!!" She semi-yells, glaring at me.

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder • jelenaWhere stories live. Discover now