Chapter 7

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| i won't get hurt again

It's been a few days since that woman was sold at the auction, and I cant stop thinking about her. She wasn't bought by one of the the guys in charge of the auction like me. I wonder what the person who bought her is like?

"Make her your slave, make her your toy... it's up to you!"

I feel totally miserable remembering those words. I should have done something to help her, even if it would have been reckless.

"Anything can be sold as long as there's someone to buy it. That's what an auction is. We're only the sponsors. We don't have to think of the participants' circumstances."

But I can't go up against them... I know how terrible it felt to be put up for auction. I'm so frustrated with myself for only being able to watch helplessly. I'm so pathetic...

"Cheli! Straighten out those sheets!" Sheila snaps me out of my thoughts and I quickly apologize. It's yet another day at work and I'm with Sheila cleaning up a guest room. "What's going on? Lately all you've done is sigh." She furrows her eyebrows in wary.

"I just got a lot on my mind. I'll be more careful." I reply.

"I'd be happy to give you advice if you're worried about something."

"No, its alright," I shake my head, moving passed her to put the clean towels in the bathroom. "Thanks, though." I can't talk about the auction to anyone. "I'm done putting out the fresh towels." I say after a moment.

"Let's move on to the next room, then."

Just as were about to move onto the next room, Damian appears in the doorway.

"Good morning." Sheila and I greet him.

"Morning," He smiles a little. "Did you do the final checks on room 1022, Aracely?" He asks, holding the guest room cleaning list in his hands.

"Yes. Um, was there something the matter?" I ask, tilting my head to the side a little.

"There were paper bags and trash underneath the bed."

"What?! I'm so sorry!" I puff out, placing my palm over my forehead.

"Luckily I caught it before the next guest arrived, but... It's not like you to overlook something like that, Aracely." He frowns his eyebrows warily.

"Cheli, I knew something was the matter," Sheila says. "If you don't feel well, you should rest."

"I was just careless," I scoff and shake my head. "I promise I'll be more careful next time."

"There were no problems with the other rooms. Finish up the rest, please." Damian says.

"Yes, sir." I say. Damian continues checking the guest rooms, not scolding me once. I'm letting this affect my work. I have to be more focused!

I take a deep breath and try to push all the thoughts about the auction out of my head and focus on work.

That evening, after most of the guests have checked in, I rest in the break room. I'm the only one here, and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. I"m spacing out so much, Sheila is worried about me. I keep forgetting things... I need to get my act together. I'm worried about the woman who got sold at the auction. But theres nothing I can do about it now. I sigh.

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder • jelenaWhere stories live. Discover now