Chapter 11

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ᝰ | ❝ ... no. he wont come

He stands in front of me and holds out his right hand. What does he want from me?

"Give me the elevator key and the pager. You have no need for them anymore." Jason says, loud enough for everyone around us to hear. I'm aware of the crowd around us starting to speak in hushed voices.

"Thats the girl from the IVC he said he fell in love with at first sight!"

"Guess he's already tired of her."

"It was just a whim from the very start. A girl like her doesn't belong with him."

He's right. I don't need it anymore because Jason and I have nothing to do with each other. "Thank you for coming all this way to get it. It saved me the trouble." I sass with a bitchy smirk.

"I didn't want to deal with you coming into my room without permission." He fires back and my smirk drops into a frown. Jason takes the key card and pager from me and goes back to the elevator. He really doesn't need me anymore.

"Oh ho ho! This is how things are supposed to be!" Claire laughs. "Poor little Cheli."

"Aracely, are you alright?" Damian asks and I hesitantly nod.

"I need to get back to cleaning the guest rooms." I say, walking away with my heart racing. I don't know if the feeling rising up inside of me is sadness or frustration. The only thing I'm certain of is that any connection I had to Jason is now gone. Its best this way. Now I can get back to my normal life. I'm going to stop thinking about him.

• • •

On my next day off, I decide to go shopping now that I'm completely free. I don't have anything I need to buy, but its better than being cooped up in my room. Its been awhile since I bought new clothes. I can go get my hair done, too.

I walk along the jam packed road and accidentally bump into a man passing by. "I'm sorry." I apologize.

"You think saying sorry is enough?" The man grumbles, balling his fist up on his sides as he looks down at me in anger.

"I didn't mean to bump into you." I say, furrowing my eyebrows and looking at him as if he was crazy.

"Huh?! You tryna make a fool out of me?!" The rude man tries to grab hold of my arm.

"Hey... stop!" I back up, trying to escape his grasp and this time, someone pulls on my arm roughly from behind. "What the --"

"Get lost. If you have a problem with her, you can take it up with me instead."

I turn my head to see who it was and its, "Harry!" Harry stands in front of me protectively. The man shrinks back under his sharp gaze.

"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was walking! I'll be going now!" The man quickly runs away from us.

"Thank you." I huff out in relief.

"Jason finally let you, too. He didn't set you free so you could get into trouble with some punk, you know."

"Set me free? More like he was done using me." I scoff and roll my eyes, looking away from Harry as I fold my arms.

"Is that really what you think?"

I look back at him. "What?" I uncross my arms. "Yes, because he got a new girlfriend." So now he doesn't need me anymore. Right? But the way Harry's talking, it sounds like Jason has other reasons.

"... Have you already forgotten about the woman who was sold at the auction?" He asks, rubbing his neck.

"Jason did it to save her..." I trail off and narrow my eyes at him, not sure where he was going with this.

Kissed By The Baddest Bidder • jelenaWhere stories live. Discover now