6. Imagine

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Most of the crew fell asleep. Including you.

The only people who were still awake (and aware) was cry and pewdie.
"And that conclude tonight's episode. Like this video and don't forget to subscribe. Byeeeeeeee!"

Pewds grabbed the camera and turn the power off.
He then moved over to where he was sitting before.
He laid (f/n) on his chest as she slept soundlessly.

"She grows up so fast." Pewds smiled as he strokes his sister (h/c) hair.
Cry look at pewdie with a weird look.
"No incest right?"

"Of course not! Why do you ask?" He smiled while wriggling his eyebrows.
Cry elbowed his friend's stomach playfully.

"Ryan, you love her don't you?"

Cry backed up into the closest wall.
"W-w-what?" He stammered. His mind was about to explode.

"I repeat , do you love her?" He asked smiling.
"I-i-i-i-i "

Pewdie snickered trying not to alert the others or to wake up (f/n).
He carefully remove (f/n) and gently place her into cry's arms.

Cry blushed but thanks to the darkness, Pewds couldn't see it.
"I love her....." Cry whispered.
Pewdie smile even larger.

"Just imagine, if you guys marry, you'll be my brother in law." Pewds added.
"Yea. Bro day, every day." Cry smiled.

There was a long and silence pause until Pewds spoke up.

"What if you guys makes babies! I'll be an uncle!"

Cry blushed then whispered/yell.

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