14. Jealous duo (part two)

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Hiya! I'm back.

It suck balls! Aiyah!

pffff that all for the beginning


"So for tomorrow, you will be my younger sister for a day."


Recall ended


Pewds started to choke on his food even more.
Marzia ran to him for first aid, slapping his back while he tried not to throw up.

"Eh?! NOOOOO!!" Pewds cried out dramatically.
"(Name) go pack your bags, we head out in an hour." Ryan smiled while Pewds sobbed tears.

"Alright..." (Name) replied still confused as ever.
Marzia shot her a look that reads out 'good luck' which wasn't notice by the other two men (cough) childish boys (cough).

(Name) sat in Ryan's car, silently looking at him with the corners of her eyes.
He held a stern look in his expression but soften when he realized what he had done.

"(Name) I understand you might be mad at me but listen I will always love you--"
"What are you talking about big brother?" She asked glad that the gloomy tension had evaporated.
"I see..."


Ryan gloomed as he drove. Once they reach his house, i mean their house, Ryan dropped his head on the handles.

As the happy-go-lucky (name) exits the car, ryan lifted his head up and stumbled behind her.

The door opened revealing Nathan smiling. (Name) ruffled his hair and practically carried him into the lounge.

Nathan smiled closely to (name)'s face.
"What are you doing here (name)~?" He gleamed.

"Oh! From tomorrow, I'm your big sister!" She replied.
"Eh? I thought you were here 'just' for me..." He pouted.
"Yes! I'm here! Please don't cry!!!!" She panicked, pulling the smaller brunette into a hug.

Nathan rested his small chin on her shoulder, his hands wrapped around her neck.
He smirked at the third wheel of a brother while Ryan replied back by pulling out a shiny knife.

"Ne, ne, big sister! Kiss me! Kiss me!" Nathan exclaimed putting out his hands on his face. She giggled as Ryan plopped onto the seat next to her.

'This kid....' Ryan growled.

Without warning, (name) kissed the tip of his small nose. He blushed and looked away. Catching the interest of his brother.
"That was Nathan's first missed kiss from a girl."
"What!? He's a virgin kisser?!" (Name) shouted, laughing and clutching her stomach.
"Not funny!" Nathan groaned as he positioned himself on her lap.

Ryan glared at the boy and scoffed.
"Hey, (name)?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah, is there something wrong?"

"Give me a kiss."
She nodded and place he lips on his forehead. He smirked.

"What? No lip lock?" He teased.
A punch made contact with his head.
"No...incest...in...this...house..." She creepily explained with Nathan joining her.

" Yum! This is the best dinner big sister have ever made!" Nathan nodded, munching on his rice with chicken strips.

"Hai.... I find this food normal actually.."
"No, it's different. Since we usually just eat microwave food and take it into our rooms." Ryan replied.
"I see. Well I made dessert too! It's a Japanese pudding cup homemade." She smiled placing the strange shaped yellow-chocolate coated snack.

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