11. It's my birthday

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Cry pov

I wondered into my room and plop onto my cosy bed.

The light from my PC was blinding the hell out of me.

Well I guess playing horror games in the dark wasn't a good idea.

I wasn't scared of the random 3D monster....since I'm supposedly talking to myself, I shall share one stupid thing about me.

I hate monsters in 2D. THERE I SAID IT.

I sighed while digging my face into my pillow. It reminded me of her. (F/n).

The smell was captivating. Beautiful and fresh.

Hehe I sound like a creep writing all these cheezy stalker lines.

But I speak the truth...

Now it was a new day..

My birthday.

You know the feeling where you feel better than last year's? That ain't me.

I used to be excited for this day. But now I find it really neutral to react in a bored way.

I feel like an old man....

A sigh escaped my mouth and a headache soon came after.

I went to the kitchen to get an aspirin. Instantly stumbling into a chair and tripping over my baggy sweatpants,


"Ryan you okay?" That sweet melody enters my ears.

I lifted my head and carefully adjust my black-square rimmed glasses.

I rubbed my head and a red bruise smudged there.

How old was I? 21,22,23.....24!

How childish do I look right now.

"I look stupid don't i?" I asked

She shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe?"

I continued to rubbed my forehead, mumbling curse words there and here.

"Geez...having a headache, stumbling over my pants, rubbing my head like an idiot...what a great way to start today."

(F/n) tilt her head.

"What's today?"

I looked at her in disbelief. I grew annoyed but continued to glared at the ground.


My headache was painful.

Flickering my fingers, I pointed towards the higher cabinet.

"Get me some aspirin would you?"

She nodded and grabbed a chair.

She began to stand up top and grab the medication. While coming down, she accidentally tipped over the chair.

Her eyes widen and her (h/c) locks started flying upwards.

Ignoring my man-mood swings, I grabbed her in time.

My position was yet uncomfortable but right.

Me, bridal carrying her while she clutch for her dear life.

It made me smile.

I gently place her down and she started shivering,

I did nothing but whispered sweet and soft things.

"Hey....you're ok. I'm here." I hugged her dearly.

She returned the hug and secretly wiped her eyes.

She started to move her hands furiously and gave a glare at the window.

What the hell is going on?


I wiped my eyes in desperate attempts to get rid of my tears.

Ryan's chest beating in a steady rhythm.

I flash of blond past the window and smile.

What the hell are you doing her Pewds?!


I started pointing at the clock but he was still confused.

I started pointing at the door and the clock and then back to the door.

He silently laughed but I gave him a glare.

Ryan turned his head towards the window and saw nothing.

He was also confused.

But the cute confused.

Today was Ryan's birthday and me and big brother Pewds decided to plan an secret party.

I regretted acting clueless when I was asking the simple question.

It seem he was angered by my statement.

It was all going to plan...excepts the part where I fell off.

Glad to know...he would always save me.

I tugged at his shirt and he looked back with his calm yet confuse eyes



"Take me back to my house...I left my jacket."

He nodded and smile.

"Want my jumper ins-" he was cut off

"No let just get my one! Last time I spilled milk on yours!" My heart was racing.

Ok the last statement wasn't entirely a lie. I did spilled milk on his blue jumper.

I tried dry cleaning it but it came out pale instead.


he nodded and went to go grab his keys.

Placing on his shoes and holding onto my hand.

He locked his door and ran towards the car.

We both got in at the same time and clicked our seat belts.

It was an silent ride with the occasional coughs inbetween.

Seriously I think he has a cold.

Before we know it, we arrive outside the apartment.

He cautiously opened the door and drag me behind it.

Looking back he locked his Car and open the door with the spare key Pewds has left him...after their 'emotional' beating.

We went in and all the room was well...dark.

All except one. It had a candle in the middle

Flickering in the darkness.

I held an cry's mask and tied the knot at the back of his honey brown hair.

He gasp in surprise and I silently pushed him toward the room.

"(F/)-(f/n) this isn't funny..." He groaned.

The lights flicked on and a load wave off 'SURPRISE!!!!! 'Went off.

Ryan tumbled backwards and curled into a ball.

"2D monster...they're real!"

"Who the hell are you calling a monster!!!" Pewds pointed at his best friend in an 'I ACUSE YOU BETCH!!' Way.

Ryan blinked and saw almost all his friends.

"Ken,minx,anothany,Ian,Pewds,Marzia...you're all here.."

My left eye twitched.

I told him....only a few friends...MEANING ROUGHLY 1-2 PEOPLE!!!


I looked around.

Everything was planed out. Cake, friends...the party.

(F/n) had the biggest twitch in her eye. I laughed. Pewds pulled the lots of us in together, the big snapshot.

A way to secretly celebrate my sick birthday.

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