7. His addiction

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3 days have passed since you went to cry's house.

You wondered around your house (which your brother decided to move in to).
Pewds recently took a nap. You smiled.
You couldn't blame him, i mean you beat the shit out of him.

Flash back begins

You rubbed you eyes and notice you were being hugged by a unknown figure.
You took a closer look of your captor and notice his honey brown hair glisten in the sunlight.
Your face rubbed against his shinny plastic mask which always reaches his lips.
You blushed once you found out what you were doing for the past hours.

You tumbled out of his hand which causes him to jolt up as well.
He was still tired but gave a heartfelt smiled. And dose back into a dream.

You studied the room, the other have returned home, leaving a note that said "I had fun!"

Pewds slept hugging his knees.
Every now and then, he would mumble "stephano"

You grabbed the first thing you could find (His camera) and smashed it on his stomach for a repeated numbers of times.



Cry woke up to the sudden noise but he smiled at the scene and said nothing.

Flashback ended.

"Hey (f/n)~!" He asked.
"Yes?" You entered his room

"I promised cry I would help him with some stuff, but with my condition, I can't help."

"And how am I suppose to help?" You glared at him
He got up before wincing at the pain. He pointed to you in a calm and excited manner.

"It is a rule to take the roles of your bigger brother if he/she is injured by the younger sibling."

"Fine.but so you do know, you're acting like a 12-year old." And walked out of his room to get changed.


Time skip

You waited outside of cry's porch step. You were currently debating if you should knock or walk away.
Gathering all your confident, you knocked on the door.

"Pewds is that you? The doors open!" He answered.

You opened the door to reveal and empty hallway. While walking to where the voice was coming from, you notice a small boy.

His hair was a darker shade of brown while his eyes were the same as cry's.
He rubbed his eyes and cutely whispered
"Are you lookin' for big browther Ryan?"

'Ryan? Who the hell is Ryan?'

You nodded (still confused) , he pointed to the room which said 'My room.'


You whispered a slight thank you and scarried off to find 'Ryan'

You knocked on the door, and to your surprise, the door opened.
You yelped as you Fell backwards.
Cry came out of his room. You looked up and blushed.

He didn't realize that he wasn't wearing his mask.
You studied his face.
It was a healthy pale skin tone, his eyes were green with a tint of blue.
His shaggy brown hair hid his black glasses but his blush was visible.

He wore a green sweater and black jeans compared to yours which was,
A black and white striped t-shirt with some shorts that reached your knees.
Your hair was in a casual single pony tail.

He rubbed his forehead and gasp when he couldn't feel his mask.
After 'Ryan' calmed down, he lifted you up and rubbed his neck.

"Ehehe where Pewds ?"
"At home, he ask me to accompany you." You smiled.

"So ....'Ryan', where are we going?"
He opened his mouth but you cut him off.
"Your brother told me your name."

He smiled and replied.
"First we're going to the grocery store...I need some supplies." He suddenly found his shoes more interesting.

You stared at him...
"Hey Ryan, you do realize that you're acting as the female part of a shojo manga while I play the male." You smirked

"W-w-wha!?" He stuttered.
"This feels like a date..." He admitted.
"Hehe true!" You laughed then grabbed his hand. "Shouldn't we get going?"
"Yea!" Ryan smiled.


The two went to the closest food store. You grabbed a green basket and followed the anxious cry.

"OI cry!"
He halt before turning to face you. His face were full of happiness.
"What is it?"
"Who's looking after your brother!?"

"He's a 12 year old. He's probably playing a co-op with Pewds using the laptop."

And so the race was still taking place.

Ryan stopped in front of the breakfast area.
He grabbed 5 cans of Nutella and dropped them in the basket.

You pulled on his hoodie.
"Hey Ryan, what is with the Nutella?"

He shrugged and whispered "it's my favorite, I love them."
You place 4 cans back leaving with one.
"I don't want you having diabetes" you mumbled.

He stared at you with red tinted cheeks and nodded.
And took your hand.
Taking you to the check out.
You couldn't help but blush at his attempt of having a date.
I wonder where he would go next....

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