9.5 (special) what if we were in the Nyo world? Part 1

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Cry tied her brown locks into a simple ponytail and shifted her green sweater.
She was waiting for this day to come.

It was (m/f/n)'s mini 5mill special.
And cry had promised him that he would made it official.
The girl smiled and she sighed as she went to knock on the door.

The door opened, revealing pewdelia. She glomed the brunette into a long hug and pushed her into the house.
Ryalia smile and nodded as pewdelia pointed to her boyfriend's room.

The door creaked, Ryalia poked her head in the hole.
(M/f/n) was currently on his computers looking at his youtube channel.
The brunette sneaked across the room and hugged the boy around his firm but relaxed shoulders.

The boy smiled before facing the brunette.
She smiled then look for a chair to sit on.

"There's no more chairs.." He replied.
"But where do I sit?" She questioned.

The boy pointed to his lap, Ryalia blushed but did what she was told.
The boy rested his chin on her shoulder and felt her tense up.
He clicked on his camera and started to record.
He passed a cry mask to Ryalia and started talking.

"How is going guys? My name is (youtubeName) and I'm here to say that this Is my girlfriend 'Ryalia'" you gesture to the blushing brunette.

"H-hey guys, I'm a-also k-known a-as Cryaoticmonki..."

"I'm also here to say that....thank you dudes for supporting me this far.
I mean over 5mill dudes! That awesome! 9million more and I catch pewdelia." You smile.

"I know this is a short video but thank you so much bros! Stay awesome and baiiiiii!"

You quickly uploaded the video, remember to add the intro and outro, prescription and tags.

Comments were raving in as always.
'Omg you're dating cry! She's so cute'
'I love you (m/f/n) !"
'I ship you two!'

You laughed at the comments while Ryalia blushed.
You held her chin as you were to kiss her.
She accepted it and hugged you tightly.

you sat on your chair while she leaned her chest on yours, she has fallen asleep.
You yawed and relaxed your hands on her's body protectively.

Cheezy isn't it?

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