15. A new day

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YO! I am the soooooo sorry!
GOMENE! Anyways yumi's, I'm the so happy you actually read my series when I was away.. You're so cool! Anyways that's all for now.


I sat up on the bed, stretching my hands out in the open air. I dragged my feet across the bed and stood up only to feel like I step on something..or some one.

Honey brown disheveled locks, fair skin, a slightly toned body and a low,smooth voice.
I'm standing on my 'brother', aren't i?
I'm actually surprised that he hadn't woken up yet as I fully place my legs on either sides of him.
I began to straddle him, resting my head on his chest.
His heart, playing a soft melody with every beat. The way he breath in and out in perfect harmony and the way he had a peaceful expression on his face.

He's like

....a handsome god. -.-

Why do pretty people exist in this cruel world only to be used by cruel people like ourselves?!
I unconsciously slammed my fists into his chest making him groan in pain.
"I'm just an innocent rug...built for you humans to rub the dirt off your feet...oh hey."
He blinked slowly, adjusting to the light coming from nearby balcony window.

He lightly chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist, refusing to let me go.
"What brings you down here, on the cold. Polished floor, young maiden?"

"I'm wondering how you ended down here..." I deadpan him with a blunt look.
"Someone small, annoying and has the name 'Nathan' kicked me off." He replied with glare, shooting towards the still sleeping child.
"Wait..you're not wearing glasses.." I muttered, staring at the irises of his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't sleep with them." Good point who does?
"But you can see me.."

"Babe, I don't actually need glasses to see, but you ever heard ladies dig a man with black,rim glasses?" He smiled as I punched his stomach, making him release me with a silent scream.

Typical men..
I grabbed my clothing and walked to the bathroom. Fixing my needs and getting dressed into something new. I walked out before screaming at the sight.

Ryan, halfway of taking off his shirt; his jeans, lazily slipped on, showing his newly changed boxers. His messed up hair flicked back as he pulled his head out of the shirt. Glitter flickering everywhere as if everything was going in slow motion.
"Oh hey." Ryan calmly waved.

Even his wave was sexy.

"W-w-what are you standing around for?! Wear a damn shirt already!" I yelled in response as I tried to cover my eyes.
I don't know how he got over to the other side of the room that fast but he did.

He took off my hands which was covering my eyes and placed a gentle kiss on my head.
He tilted my chin up as he began to move closer...just a bit more..
When he gently placed his lips onto mine's ,

"Big brother...what are you doing to (f/n)?" Nathan asked, rubbing his eyes cutely with the back of his hand.
With the sudden shock, I pushed Ryan away making him fall to the ground with an 'omff'.

Nathan mearly raised a brow before shrugging.
"Big brother! Can you make breakfast?" He asked, grabbing Ryan by the hand and dragging him off downstairs.

I laughed as I watched the two fight against the smallest things.
I think I'm gonna like this day.

Suddenly a phone rang, Ryan's to be precise.
I quickly ran over, picking up his phone.


<hello, like to you too. Is Ryan there?>

"No, not at the moment but do you need something?" I asked with curiosity.

<wait who is this?>

"I'm (f/n)"

<he ordered a new secretary? Well (f/n) can you tell him that his fiancé is coming to visit him?>

I dropped the phone, hearing the last words..



Hey there YUMI!
I'm so the dishonor to da whole world!

But anyways since I haven't been posting any thing on this series since roughly five months ago, I've decided to something that was in head for a long time, a cliffhanger.

School has finished for the first term so I'm kind happy. Yay no school for two weeks.
But then it's back to exams and pop test that somehow comes when you least expected it or when you have roughly a good day! that's when the teacher flew into the classroom with a bunch of papers, yelling


So question of the chapter IS:

If Cry wasn't a youtuber, what kind of job would you think he would have?

Thanks for supporting again!





OMGAWD guys you guys...are soooo coooollllll!

Anyways, thanks again

don't forget to






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