Prolouge: The Alternate Timeline

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Different doors from different timelines begins to glow brightly threw the pitch black darkness. As two voices echos thew the blacken area.

"Hey Sans do you remeber that night?" When you told me about the nightmares and the other Sans and Frisk? And how their from different time lines?"

"Yeah I do baby doll."

"Do you think we would be together in the other timelines?" The soft female voice asked sweetly.

A low chuckle slowly echos threw the darkness as a timeline door begins to slowly glow brighter.

"Yeah Laney I do. You know why sweetheart?"


"Because babe we're soulmates and nothing can break our bond or our destiny together."

" I bet your a stubborn bone head like always." Laney's voice giggles softly.

"Heh, Oh? Well I bet a certain little butterfly will melt my stubborn bonehead heart like always." Sans voice laughs as a soft pink butterfly floats threw the brightly glowing door.

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