Chapter 6. Just give in I did

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" Hello Sans and to what do I owe for this wonderful visit?"

"Hey Tor uh~ nothin' much really I just uh really need some one ta talk ta." The blue hoodie skeleton mumbles as he enters Toriel's apartment.

While the kind goat mother slowly closes the door behind them with a slight worried look spread across her gentle face.

"Is there some thing wrong Sans?" Toriel asked as she sits next to the shorter skeleton who was now sitting on her white leather couch.

"Not really . Ya can say I'm having a hard time in figuring out my feelin's for Lanes."

" Please explain."

"Well when she's around I feel more relaxed and that I can tell er' whats buggin' me at times. And uh I love hearing her laugh when I do puns and tell jokes. But for some reason when I see any human or monster flirt with er' anger builds up in me and I kinda let it out on er' . That's when she looks so hurt or starts to cry making me feel like shit. I don't ever want her to look that hurt or see her crying...I want ta protect er' from anythin' that will hurt er' and always hear Laney's laugh while seeing her...amazing smile and keep it there."

"....Oh my goodness Sans I think your in love with Laney," Toriel said softly as she gives him a sweet smile.

Causing Sans to quickly turn his head towards her and gives Toriel a look of slight shock.

"L-love? Nah~ come on Tor there's already some one I love." He responds with a slow shake of his head.

"...Are you sure about that Sans?"

"What do ya mean?"

"Well some times everyone gets mixed up with sibling love and real love."

"Sibling love?"

" Yes it's when you love a friend so dearly that they become really important to you. But~ the difference is that it's more like a brother or sister where their more like family . As for your love its where you are their your best friend and yet you want to be with them for the rest of your life and protect them . Their both almost the same which is why they get confused but the one you love is the one you want to soul bond with so you can be with them in your next life. Tell me Sans that other person or monster have you ever thought about soul bonding with them?"


"And Laney?"



"..Look Tor this is a lot to take in . Do ya mind if I uh~ take a small nap on you'r couch for a while?"

"Of course Sans. I will wake you when Frisk and I are ready to leave for Laney's birthday party at Grillby's."

"Heh, Thanks Lanes would kill me if I didn't come to er' party."

"I should think so . You are a dear friend to her after all." Toriel finished with a soft laugh as she stands from her couch while the blue hoodie skeleton settles deeper into the couch and slowly drifts off to sleep.

" Finally..Ey' pal wake up."

" Be nice. Will you?" A softer voice said towards the deeper voice that was sounding slightly annoyed.

" Wha' this guy is so fuckin' stubborn."

"So are you so be nice." the female voice hissed only to earn a small snort from the male who was now gently kicking at the passed out Sans.

The blue hoodie skeleton slowly opens his eye sockets finding that he was now laying in a field of flowers .

He then slowly sits up and looks in front of him finding another version of him and Laney staring back towards him.

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