Epilogue: Finally I can Sleep

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Laney slowly opens her soft blue eyes to the feeling of sweet kisses being placed upon her skin.

Once she turns around to face the direction of the kisser finding her skeleton soulmate who was giving her a sweet look now completely dressed while laying on the bed next to her as he leans his cheekbone against his open hand.

" Oh no I forgot to take Frisk and Emily to school their going to be so late!" the small detective yells as she tries to get up but was stopped by the arm wrapped around her waist.

" Tor took them."

"She didn't have to it was my turn after all."

"Yeah but uh~ after with what had happened yesterday. We thought it woulda' been better if ya' rest . Which I completely doubt with what I am about ta' tell ya'." the blue hoodie skeleton added as he tucks a strand of Laney's short brown hair behind her right ear.

" Listen babe .... I got a call tellin' me who took ya'."

"...From who?"


"Sans from who?"

" It was Sal."


"Yeah he's uh~ the leader to the Dark Souls...but there something positive about this."

"And that is~?"

" Remember how I said that the other timeline a brat name Chara was processing him?"

"Yeah~?" Laney responded while raising a eyebrow towards her skeleton lover.

"Their possessing him now. They've been possessing him since he was a kid."


"Look I know it's hard to believe but I'm not lying." Sans said with a shake of his head.

" Sans I believe you. It's just ...we can't let them continue on doing this in this timeline. Sal has suffered enough with them possessing his body and killing Grillby.... I think it's time to kick them out of their fucking home." Laney added while locking her soft blue eyes with his glowing white pupils.

"Heh, that's my girl." The blue hoodie skeleton chuckles as he leans his forehead against hers.

"The question is how are we going to find em'"

"You said that Sal called your phone?"


" All we have to do is track where the number came from it's pretty much easy as pie. I just need my laptop."

"Here ya' go." her skeleton soulmate said as he places the computer in front of her on the bed.

"Thank you ." Laney replies as she opens her computer and and logs on to the internet.

" Okay ...tell me the phone number."


"Alright got it mn~ there it is .. ." The small detective added as she points towards the red dot on the map.

"It's in a old abandoned warehouse....why are all the bad guy in old abandoned warehouses? It's so stereotypical."

"Maybe because it's creepy oo~."

"Ha ha funny."

"A'right sweetheart you go ahead take a shower and get dress I have clean clothes waitin' for ya' in the bathroom once you done I'll be down stairs waitin' then we can head out."

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