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It was a very,very starry and dark Christmas night,where humans went out to have fun under a thousands of colorful lights which decorated all the pine trees at every streets in town of Miyagi.

Not only that,the snow started to fall gracefully,which increases the citizen's joy and their spirit of celebrating the holiday.

Not expecting something terrible happened in the peace night of that town,huh?

A teen girl in a suit and Primo's cloak,Sawada Tsunahime walked slowly to the side of the wall at a quiet street in Miyagi prefecture.She covered her bleeding shoulder that was shot randomly with her tiny hand to minimize her pain.

The Visziozo family member were hunting her.Of course,they were being ordered by their boss to kill her.She was lucky that she escaped successfully from the mansion and managed to run further from them.

They lied her,about making a peace agreement between the families and talking about asking protection from Vongola family.It was a trap set to murder the leader of the strongest Mafia family in the world.

So if Tsuna die,the fame will be descend to the family who could kill her and they could have control the world with their dirty hand.Like she want to hand that power to that rotten heart people easily.

"They should have make this world even better,not making more fuse just to get money with their greed,"Tsuna mumbled in her heart.She patted her suit to bring out her phone from her blazer's pocket,but what she found is a GPS detector.

"What!?they replace it?they must had located my position now..." She threw the gadjet in a garbage bin.Suddenly,the bullet dug her shoulder deeper,making Tsuna groaned of the pain.

"Live bullet.They are quiet smart,huh?"Tsuna sweated and panted.Her breath started to be shorter than usual.Her head spinning in dizzy.

Tsuna saw the end of the street which lead to the center of the town of Miyagi.She got an idea.How about jumping into the crowd and hid herself in them?No,the innocent people will get harm.That would be a stupid choice.

She was sure that they would not care if their activity were revealed to the public.If anything happen to the citizen in Miyagi,she had readying herself to be sacrifice for the safety of them.

"Finally,"Tsuna's vision almost blurred,looking at the bright lights as she reach the end of the street.She lost her pace and fall.She did not have any energy left to move forward anymore.

"I'm sorry,Reborn..I..had failed as a boss,"Tsuna asking for her home tutor's apologize in her heart.All that she think in her head in death. Is this going to be the end of her live and also Vongola Family?

Everything went slow in motion until someone reached her body and saved her from falling onto the ground."Hey,are you okay?"A soft,guttural voice reached her ears.

Tsuna slowly opened her eyes.She thought that she saw a handsome prince with  shining armor,holding her body closely to him.

She rubbed her eyes and her vision slowly sharpening.Oh,it is just a pretty boy with a wavy brunette hair in his...school volleyball jersey,she thought in her heart.

The pain start pulsing which making her moaned."Miss!are you injured!?"The tall guy asked her.This is a chance for her to escape,she guessed.

"H..help me.Someone are trying to kill me!Can you bring me away from them?"asked Tsuna with a weak voice."First,let's go to the hospital.."He suggested but Tsuna disagree.

"Then,let's receive a treatment from my friend.He's good at this,"The guy convinced Tsuna which she nodded the she was agreed.

"HEY!!WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO RUN!?LITTLE BUNNY??!!"Suddenly,a gang of brutal men equipped with close-range weapon appeared.All the eyes were focused at them."They found me!"Tsuna started to panic.

The brunette-haired guy lifted Tsuna up and ran to a remote street away from the town."I don't know what had happened to you but hold tight,cute lady.The prince will save you from those stink gangsters,"He winked at Tsuna.She blushed and coiled tightly her arm around the guy's neck.

The brutal men chased both of them far from back.Tsuna was suprised that the guy could ran even faster from them.Tsuna tilted her head looking at back,she noticed that some of them are shooting them with gun.

"Hey!Look out!"Tsuna warned to him.He dodged every bullet that was aimed at him.He even tried to delay the speed of those gangster by throwing the plastic garbages to them.

She could even feel that she was riding a horse with a prince charming."What's wrong with my head?Come back to reality,"Tsuna shaked her head.This injury were making her imagination gone wild.

The guy kicked at large garbage bin.The garbage bin hit the arranged boxes besides it and felt together,blocking the street.They managed to escape through a smaller sewer way and went out to a quite residential area.

He panted breathlessly."What sins had you atone to them,huh?"Asked the guy.But,before Tsuna could had answer his question,she fainted in relieved.

My Girlfriend Is A Mafia Boss (KHRXHaikyuu!!) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now