#14 What You Do That he doesn't agree with

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Thomas- you hate on yourself, you have never truely loved yourself and you consistently bring yourself down. And when he does say you look beautiful you just laughed and say "please" he gets pissed at this because you are beautiful and he loves you just the way you are.

Minho- minho hates when you wear makeup. As a girl you wanted to do makeup so one day you were thinking about it and the next time the box came up with supplies in it there was a small box labeld Y/N. In it was makeup and much of it. You smiled as you walked to your room perfectly applying the makeup. You did it natural enough but minho says you are way to beautiful to be wearing all of the makeup.

Newt- in al truth newt hates when you spend so much time getting ready and I know it sounds like a cliché but he thinks that you look gorgeous when you can wear shorts a tank top and quickly do your hair and no makeup.

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