#29 Newt Imagine | Ghost of you

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||Based very loosely off of the wonderful song, Ghost of you by 5 Seconds of Summer, please listen to it while reading this xx Ariela||

It's been hard adjusting to life without him, it still hurts to think of him, especially when he is always in my dreams. He's always there, telling me it's okay to move on, that I can get through this and I'm strong enough to do this, which is true, I've never needed others, it's been good having friends...obviously.They make it easier, but Newt was different, he made me feel like my life had true meaning and a reason to keep going, and now he's just gone. Something about that is beautifully heartbreaking.

It helps being with others, it drowns out the pain, numbs it, especially with Minho, the two of them are complete opposites but I still find so much of Newt in Minho, they were best friends for years, of course I would find Newt in him, so being with Minho just makes everything better now.

When I'm not working or with others I think the beach is the best place to be for me, it gives me time alone, to simply sit in the sand and think while the waves crash in front of me. I think a lot about what life would be like if the world was normal.

I would want all the gladers in the same neighborhood, frypan would probably host barbecues every Sunday, we would all be together constantly, driving around all crammed in one car, the usual life of a late Teen I suppose.

Most importantly I like to think of where Newt and I would be, it's probably unhealthy to be thinking things like this but it's one of the few things that keep me going, and if it works it works.

I could see it so clearly, him and I, in his living room, dancing.
He always wanted me to dance with him but I always refused, I'm a shitty dancer. Now that I think of it I would give anything to dance with him.
I'm sure we would watch movies, stay up late taking about everything our future held.

"Y/N?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Minho came and sat on the sand next to me.
"Hey." I smiled.
"It's late. What's wrong?" He asked "newt?" He continued sadly, running his fingers through the sand. While I nodded. He wrapped an arm around me. "He may not be here now physically, but I think he's still with us." Minho said quietly.
"You think?" I asked looking up at him.
"Yes, but if you tell anyone I said that I will never speak to you again, got it shank?" He asked making me laugh a little.
"Got it." I said, resting my head on Minho's shoulder while looking at the water under the moonlight. Thoughts of Newt dancing around my head.

• Hey guys I know it's been a while but I really missed writing and I just got really inspired so here I am! I love you all and I hope you're all well💖 ~xx Ariela •

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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