Chapter 13- My World

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"This is cozy," I commented as Bruce and I hopped into the cramped cockpit of the Bat plane.

"Well, it wasn't exactly built for two," Bruce huffed in response to my sarcasm.

I gave the inside a quick once over before replying. "Technically there's three," I reminded him with a smile as I held up and waged three of my own digits in his face.

"Or more."

My face scrunched up as I looked at him.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I challenged after Bruce mumbled the last part under his breath.

There was a moments pause before he finally turned to me.

"He's a super alien, Rose," Bruce replied as he met my stare with seriousness. "You could have a whole litter in your belly."

"He's an alien, Bruce, not a dog."

Bruce grunted in response as he turned on the plane's equipment. We slowly began lifting off the ground and I grabbed on to the handle for dear life, hoping and praying that I didn't get sick.

"What do you think? Should we give Lex a call?" he asked, a large grin forming across his face as he spoke.

"Absolutely." I smirked back in response.

Alfred dialed the number for us and patched it in across the intercom.

"Hello?" Lex answered. "Break the bad news."

"I'd rather do the breaking in person," Bruce's raspy voice bounced around the plane's cabin.

"Oh, and don't worry," I added in my most chipper voice. "We already informed Gotham Morgue that your body will be arriving shortly."

The line went dead but I was almost positive I heard a snort of laughter from Clark in the background before Lex hung up. Bruce and I shared a look and a moment later we burst into a hilarious ruckus of our own. Suddenly I stopped laughing and my face went stiff.

"Rose, what's wrong?" Bruce shot me a worried glance at my sudden stillness.

"It's ok," I exhaled in relief. "For a second, I almost peed a little-"

"Oh my god, Rose!"

"I said, 'almost'," I reiterated in an exasperated tone. "But I am starving. Do you think we could swing through a McDonald's or something?"

"Yeah, sure," Bruce replied sarcastically. "I'll get right on that-"


I placed a hand on his arm, immediately silencing him as he followed my gaze out the windshield. We were still a good ways from the city, but from where we hovered, it wasn't hard to make out the monstrous creature surrounded by a swarm of Apache helicopters.

"What the hell is that?" I breathed, but my question remained unanswered.

The military choppers unleashed a barrage of missiles and bullets, but nothing they shot at it seemed to work. In fact, it only seemed to make the creature more angry. Suddenly the mountainous blob stood to its feet, letting out a ferocious roar as a powerful red spark shot out of him threatening to level everything in it's path.

"Alfred, what's going on?"

"I- um--" There was a long pause before the old man finally answered Bruce. "I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, Sir."

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