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I leave the gym sweaty and exhausted. I dig to the bottom of my bag to find my car keys, which I eventually grab hold of. I stop at a small coffee shop and grab an iced coffee. My grandmother always told me that having coffee right before bed was such a bad choice, but since being at college, I have done it countless times. The walk from the parking lot to my room is longer than the drive from the coffee shop to the parking lot. At the end of the hall I hear music blasting from one if the rooms and as I get closer to 38 A the music gets louder. I walk slowly up to the door, take out my key and kick it open. I go straight to the tv, turning it off and stopping the music.

"Finally!" Someone shouts through the wall.

I look around the room for Harry, but don't see his curls anywhere. A naked girl lies across his bed and another on the couch. Both girls, complete strangers. I hear a shrieking noise come from the bathroom, followed by a giggle. I open the door immediately and find Harry, pale, fully clothed, and passed out in the tub. A naked girl sits in his lap and another girl is sitting on the toilet. Both girls laugh when they see me.

"Princess!" One of them says excitedly. The other girl claps when I nod.

"I'm Sarah." I tell her. "Who are you and why are you in my room?"

"We're Harry's friends!" She cheers.

"You need to leave." I tell them. "Get some clothes on, get your friends and get out."

"You're no fun. Harry said you'd be fun." She pouts. She climbs off of his semi-unconscious body and leaves the bathroom. The other girl follows her and soon all four of them are gone.

I walk back into the bathroom and watch the fully clothed boy sit under the cold water. It takes him awhile to sober up, but eventually he speaks. "Iam truly-ly sorry."

His eyes plead with me to forgive him and I do. "I know." I tell him. He smiles and begins to close his eyes. "Oh no you don't. Not yet."

I place my arm underneath his and help him stand. Once I get him to balance in the tub I remove his wet shirt. He grins as I do this. "What is so amusing?" I ask.

"If you wanted to see me naked Princess, all you had to do was ask." He smiles again.

"Will you shut up and dry off?" I toss a towel at him and leave him to change alone. I close the bathroom door with just a little bit of light showing through the door. I begin picking up empty bottles of vodka and bourbon, tossing them in the trash. He walks out of the bathroom just as I finish tidying up and sits down on his bed. I pass him a water bottle and sit opposite of him in my bed. "So what happened?"

"You have been pretty fucking chill about this." He states. His words are no longer stringing together as one and he looks much better.

"How did you want me to act Harry?"

"I thought you'd be mad at me." He says. "I wanted you to be mad at me."

"That's ridiculous." I shake my head. "I told you, I don't care what you do, or who you do, just don't do it around me or kick me out to do it."

"Where were you anyway?" He changes the subject.

"I was out." I say vaguely.

"On a date? With who?" His voice goes up a notch and his eyebrows knit together.

"That is none of your business." I reply. I pull up the knit blanket that he placed on me and I hold it to me tightly. "How much did you drink?"

"Not enough." He mumbles. He looks at his lap and plays with his fingers.

"How much?" I ask again.

"Someone's fucking nosy." He shoots back.

"I was just asking." I say defensively. I lay back in bed and watch him watch me. "I'd say you had about four too many."

"Was that a comment about how many girls I had here?" He asks with a smirk. "Because I was with all of them."

"You were with all of them? All of them in one night?" I say in a shocked tone.

"Is that a hint of jealousy?"

"No, just curiosity." I shrug.

"Oh. Well yes, yes I was." He says. "I fucked each of them."

I could tell that he was lying. He was an awful liar. His tone when he lied changed and gave him away. I don't know why he's lying. I don't care if he slept with those girls, and he doesn't care if I think he did, so why he's lying is a mystery to me.

"That must have been interesting with all of your clothes on." I say with a sly grin.

I look over at him when he doesn't respond to see him scowling at me. He lays down when we make eye contact, both of us stare at the ceiling in silence.

"How was it?" He asks, finally breaking the silence.

"How was what?" I whisper.

"Your date."

I turn to face the wall so that he can't see my face as I lie to him. "It was good."

"Do you think you'll see him again?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Hmmm." Is all he says in response.

"What about you?" I ask. "Will you ever see those girls again?"

"Probably not." He says. "I'm not a relationship guy. That was four too many for me."

I don't answer him, I just lay there quietly listening to him breathe.

SARAH {harry styles fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant