Dreams coming true

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Edward runs upstairs to start packing for the lake. I stay down stairs to get breakfast started edd doesn't always have the best attitude when he slips breakfast, and I know he will fight me to eat because he's excited to head out the door but Inisit he eats if we're driving 2 hours out of pear creek, this is going to be a very long day


I hear pumpkin getting pans and stuff out of the fridge. Of course he's going to be stubborn and make me eat, maybe I can convince him that well grab burgers at jimmies restaurant. I'm so proud of that kid for making it, I grab a quick shower while I wait for pumpkin to come up and bother with a lecture about how eating breakfast is important, and just on cue as i get out here comes pumpkin up the stairs calling me for breakfast, here we go.


Edward please hear me out, if you don't eat your going to be crabby and we both know it will ruin our perfect day if you don't eat, Edward interputs my lecture with a passionate kiss, I shut up immediately and kisses back, oh edd you always know how to make me smile, I say as my face burns bright with his love covered all over it, I love you so much sharky, he smiles as he loves when I call him that, I love you too pumpkin.


Hey pumkin i was thinking instead of this wonderful breakfast you cooked me, maybe we could go to jimmies for lunch instead, before we head up to the lake. Pumpkin face looks sad but he agrees only because I said I would eat before we leave, he runs down stairs to put everything away as i finish packing the car, hey edd I'm going to invite nat and jasper and nazz to come up with us, pumkin shouts to me as I'm coming back in to grab his hand to lead him out to the car, I frown but reluctantly agree only to make him happy, I know how much his friends mean to him, okay but they have to stay in the spare rooms, I was hoping to have a romantic week with you pumkin, he blushes and promises me that it will be romantic as long as I'm there. I kiss his beautiful face and rush us to the car and were off to the lake


Just as i thought it would be the car ride is long, Me and edd don't talk much and before I know it im passed out and dreaming of the guy who looks just like sharky but smaller and more, well more like me, I can't shake this feeling that I should talk to him, maybe try and understand why he keeps coming to find me. Just when I get close enough to ask him face to face what he wants, I'm jolted awake by edd, he looks pissed and worried at the same time. Pumpkins I tried to respect you not wanting to talk about your dream but it's to the point where your whimpering in your sleep, now I demand that you tell me what is going on. Once again out of fear of losing him I refuse to open up, and what looks like a fight were about to have is saved by us pulling up to the cabin, to where nat, jasper and nazz are already there unpacking, edd looks annoyed but he chooses to hold his tounge, and leans over and whispers in my ear that we are not finished with this discussion and we talk more about it tonight, as edd starts unpacking I scan the lake for the canoes, and as i turn back around to the car, I swear I saw the guy from my dreams, but it can't be him, he's not real, I start panicking, when edd returns for more bags and he grabs me seeing my obvious panic attack and rushes me to our bed and tells me to stay and rest if i know what's good for me.

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