seeing things

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A/N hey so we both came together to write this chapter, and I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading our story♡♡♡

Double D P.O.V.

When Kevin and I get to the lake house I breathe in the fresh hair and look over to Kevin with a big smile. We unpack and decide to swim in the lake together. That's when I first catch a glimpse of the boy from my dream. I rub my eyes and he is no longer there, I must be over tired from last night's drive.

Pumpkin P.O.V.

As I'm sitting there eating lunch with Eddward I see a boy in the water and my eyes widen. It's the boy from the dream. Eddward catches me staring in shock and asks what's wrong. "N-nothing!" I lie and he gives me a look. "Can we just sit somewhere else. This spot is getting to hot under the sun." I suggest and Eddward smiles and kisses my temple "of course citrouille." He says with a grin and we head towards the tables under the shade.

Double D P.O.V.

Once we finish swimming in the lake we go to have a picnic for lunch. As we are walking over to the shaded tables I see a couple leaving walking rapidly actually. I have to pinch myself because walking away I see the boy from my dream along with a boy who oddly enough looks like me in some ways. "Babe, are you okay?" Kevin asks. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine!" I assure Kevin. "You were zoning out pretty hard, D!" Kevin says looking over at me and I lean up and kiss him knowing he will drop it when I do that. He drops it just as I predicted and we then take our seats. We ended up sitting at the table that the couple was just at and the warmth left behind on the seat reminds me that the two were more than just an illusion.

Pumpkin P.O.V

When we get back to the cabin, I feel like I can finally breath. Edd looks at me with Concern "Would you like to tell me why we had to rush back to the cabin pumpkin?" he asks annoyed. I smile at him saying "I just wanted to cuddle with you" Edd rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around me. "Come on pumpkin let's go take a nap." He sweeps me up into bridal style and carries me up the stairs to our room. When we are finally laying down I turn to face him, he's already fast asleep so I take the time to get up and go out walking, looking for the boy who looks like him. An hour or so later I have no luck so I turn back so I can make it back into bed before Edd wakes up and freaks that I'm not in bed with him. As I start to head back I catch a glimps of the boy, so I hide behind the tree and watch from afar, he looks happy but I can't tell who he's with. My phone going off alerts me to start running back to the cabin, luckily for me it was only nazz telling me her grandma is in town and she's heading back to pear creek. I hug her goodbye and tell her to travel safe I then run upstairs to find edd wide awake. "And where have you been pumpkin?" He asks and I can practically see the Venom shooting out of his mouth, he looks pissed. I then know I have to explain. "I couldn't sleep so I went outside to talk to nazz shes heading back to pear creek, her grandma is in town." He seems to lighten up knowing I didn't leave the cabin. "Okay fine, it would be nice if you could leave me a text next time so I don't worry." We decide to go down stairs and call nat and jasper to see if they wanna have a camp fire for dinner tonight. "We would love too." Nat smoothly says. "We will see you two in about an hour." He finishes his sentence. Edd prepares to start the fire and I go back inside to get hot dogs and smores stuff, by the time I get back outside Nat and Jasper are gathered around the fire. Nat comes over to help me carry stuff. "Don't worry Kev! The booty king has your back." I smile and push him away. "Shut up, Nat!Jasper and Edd are staring at us." I point out. "Yeah Nat keep your paws off -my- pumpkin before I have to break them." Edd says jokingly. When the fire begins to die down we all decide to split ways and go for walk. Edd grabs my hand and says "we really need to talk." I dreaded this moment I knew he was bringing the subject back up, after about a mile away from the cabin we start fighting and I tell him to leave me alone because I won't tell him what the dreams are because it's nothing to worry about "Fine." He hisses as he turns his back to me, tears start to form in my eyes. "You should respect the fact I don't want to talk about it." I say as i run away from him, when I turn back around he's already gone and I'm lost.

Double D P.O.V.

Kevin and I decide to walk around at night after dinner. I don't really like the dark so I hold Kevin's hand tightly. "Don't worry babe, I won't let anything get you!" He says this but he's laughing. "Are you making fun of me?!" I ask glaring at him to let him know I am not appreciating it. He laughs harder "No babe! It's just so nice to have you so attached to me!" Kevin admits and I can't help but smile. That's when we hear a crack of a twig. "Babe. stay here." Kevin orders in a serious tone as he runs off claiming he saw someone. "U-uhhhh yeah okay." I say after he leaves now super nervous. That's when I see him, the boy from my dreams wandering around with a terrified look in his eyes. I decide to approach him.

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