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Krissy here! Sorry for the delay! Things are getting intense now! Love you guys 😘

Pumpkin P.O.V.

I hear Eddward shout for me to meet him upstairs alone and I hesitate but I join him. Right away a night stand is tossed to the side with a loud groan of frustration and hurt. "Kev...would you like to FUCKING explain to me what happened?" Eddward growls and my heart races as tears fill in my eyes as my regrets dart through my head. "I-I...I don't know what to say Eddward..." I manage to say with a small voice as it cracks from holding back tears. "What the fuck do you mean? The hell you don't know. Tell me NOW or lose me forever." Eddward gives the choice. Kev however stays silent avoiding eye contact really not knowing what to say. He knows it was wrong to kiss that other boy...he doesn't know why he did it. He regrets it deeply but he can't say all of him regrets it. Eddward taps his foot impatiently. "Well then Kevin I see you made your choice. Au Revoir" he growls storming out the room and the small ginger hears the door to the cabin slam shut.

Kevin P.O.V.

I look at my boyfriend as he cries. It's obvious how much of a mistake it was and yes I'm hurt but something deep down in me knows that it has something to do with the fact I'm leaving for a college out of state as he stays behind. Is this a cry out by him showing me he wants my full attention and for me to say? Damn being a boyfriend is hard. I rub soothingly up and down Edd's back. He looks up at me with a guilty expression and it snaps my heart. I pull him into a hug. "Babe...we can make it through this..." I soothe him and his crying becomes hysterical. "I-I J-just am so scared of losing you..." He admits muffled by my chest as my shirt becomes stained with tears. "You won't lose me babe." I reassure him and he looks up at me. "But I will...when you go off to school." Holy mother of fuck I was right?! "D...I know lately I have been busy between getting ready for college and to live on my own but you always come first." I say this to him and he looks up at me in shock. "S-so y-you're n-not going to leave me because I kissed that other boy..." He says as the tears slowly stop flowing. I wipe away the ones that lingered. "Of course not babe. Yes I am extremely jealous and I'm kind of hurt but I'll get over it." When I say this to him he shows that famous gapped tooth smile of his and my heart melts. "Babe...I love you. Please never do that again." I say before leaning in for a kiss.

Eddward P.O.V.

Fuck. I can't believe it. I lost the one thing that meant anything to me. I walked away. I didn't even try and talk to him and find out why. I am a fucking moron. I slam my hand into a tree as I give a frustrated scream. "IDIOT." I scream out loud. I can't believe this shit. This was supposed to be the most romantic week we've had in our two years together. I wanted this to be special...I wanted him to know I was invested in this for forever. I know I was going away for school abroad but I was considering staying behind...for my pumpkin. Maybe that's why he kissed that other boy? No. Either way that's no excuse. I'm not spending any time with Kev as long as I'm here. If he wants me he will have to get me.

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