Whatever it takes

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A/N: I am so very sorry about the delay in the update I had some major writers block and I didn't know where to go with the story but I didn't want to end it with that last chapter, I have some major things coming up for these two, also i want to announce that I'm currently working on a new story it's a different fanfic tho it's called billdip if you don't know what that is I highly suggest you go look it up and read all the billdip you can find just like you should read all the kevedd you can find cause let's face these two are amazing ship anyways the new book will be out at the end of the week and I'm naming "I came back for you pine tree" so please read it and again I'm so sorry writers block is a bitch sometimes😘😘😘 I love you all so very much.

Pumpkin pov:

It had been two weeks since we were at the cabin, I had been emailing double d about how things were with him and Kevin, he said things were good and that Kevin decided to stay home with him after Highschool for a year before leaving for school, and that Kevin had purposed. "That's nice" I thought to myself I was very jealous that they were so happy me and Edd still fight over what happened.

~flash back two days earlier~
" you think you're so innocent, at least I never cheated on you." Edward yelled at me " I might have cheated you, but I've spent the last two weeks trying to fix it, you won't let me fix it if you can't learn to forgive me." I yell back at him, he looks at me with hurt in his eyes "well maybe we should of just ended it then" he says as he slams the front door shut behind him.
~flash back over, present time~

I type double d that I'm happy for him and to send us wedding invites and that I'm still fighting with Edward but I'm trying to fix things and then I tell him I'll email him tomorrow that I needed to go take care of some things. I sigh as I shut the labtop and head down stairs to talk to Edward I keep my eyes on the floor , "hey" I say still looking at the floor. I'm still ashamed of what happened to even look him in the eyes anymore. "What's up pumpkin?" He said with a smile. I was shocked beyond stocked he hadn't smiled at me or even called me by my nick name since we got home. I looked up to him "I just wanted to apologize again, I wasn't thinking straight and we had been fighting and I just i don't know he was sweet and he looked just like you my brain got confused I guess." I tell him with tears running down my face.

Edward grabbed my face and finally kissed me, my whole face burned red, "and that's why I call you pumpkin" he says with his heart stopping smile that reach all the way up to his cyan blue eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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