Heat of the moment

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Hey guys it's Krissy! Sorry for the delay! I hope you guys enjoy💕

Double D P.O.V.

What am I doing? Why am I here kissing this boy that I've been dreaming about? Why don't I want to stop? Finally, the little ginger pulls back and he is bright red in the face. He looks adorable. I can't stop myself, this time I go in for a kiss.

Pumpkin P.O.V.
What are we doing?! Why are we kissing again? Why am I enjoying this.... Somehow we ended up on the ground now and somehow I ended up on top? I feel the boy's lips part slightly so I take the opportunity to slip my tongue in there. I hear a soft moan from the back of his throat? Maybe it was my own. I'm not too sure but either way I can't help but notice we both moan as our crotches rub together. The friction. My God is it amazing.

Double D P.O.V.

I can't control my own moaning as I feel myself become rock hard. That little ginger is as well. Our tongues, tangled. Our crotches, rubbing together. Our hearts? Pounding. I feel his racing against mine as both of our shirts are abandoned in a flash before our lips connect along with our bare chests.

Nat P.O.V.

It's such a beautiful night. I needed to get out of that stuffy cabin. Maybe I'll see some asses along the way! Dammit, I should have brought my camera. Ooooo what's going on over there? I see two shirtless bodies getting freaky. Dammit! I really wish I brought my camera now. I sneak around behind a nearby tree to get a closer look. Don't judge me. I see the one boy go for the others pants. WAIT A MOMENT THAT'S PUMPKIN! AND WAIT ANOTHER MOMENT BECAUSE THAT'S NOT EDDWARD HE IS ON TOP OF!! I instantly step out from behind the tree causing a twig to snap under my shoe. Both boys instantly stop and look over at me. Kev has that whole 'deer in headlights look'.

Pumpkin P.O.V.

I look over in the direction of where the twig snapped and my heart stops when I see Nat standing there. I'm in deep shit now... I do the first thing I think of. I get up, grab our shirts, and I pull the other boy up and take his hand and dart off. Once I stop hearing Nat chase after us I stop so we can catch our breath. "W-who was that?" He asks me. "My friend Nat...he's also good friends with my boyfriend Eddward." I confess once I catch my breath. "I'm sorry..." He says letting go of my hand. "For what? I remember I kissed you first...." I tell him and now the guilt sinks in for both of us. We have to tell our boyfriends....eventually.

Kevin P.O.V.
"Babeeee!" I call out for what feels like the millionth time. No response again. I'm starting to get worried now. My boyfriend he's such a fragile person. what if someone got to him? What is a bear got him. The possibilities are endless in my mind. I hear footsteps approaching. I quickly turn around ready to fight whatever it is. "Excuse me, but who are you?" I hear a low voice say. I look over at him and my eyes widen. He looks just like my babe but he's much taller and honestly a little hotter, D is much more adorable though which I like. Oh right he asked me a question. "My name is Kevin, I'm looking for my boyfriend...we got separated and now I can't find him..." I tell this tall boy. "Ah. I see. My name is Eddward. I'm looking for my boyfriend as well. He ran off here cause he isn't the brightest sometimes and now I can't find him. He's so helpless on his own too." The tall boy says. "Come, let's go find them." He says before walking away.

Eddward P.O.V.

I have no idea why I'm asking this stranger to come along and help. Maybe it's because he looks a little like my pumpkin. Either way, I need to find him soon. I am really starting to worry now. We keep searching for what feels like forever. Finally though we see two small bodies sitting against a tree, both crying. One is my pumpkin so I rush over in a flash and instantly pick him up. "E-Eddward?!" My sweet sweet boy says and hugs me tight, I of course hug back. I see the other ginger rush over to who I can assume is his own boyfriend and we carry both boys back to the main recreational area. Nat is there waiting for us. I set my little ginger down. Nat then pulls me aside and asks to speak with me. I nod and follow him. He looks at me with a serious look. "Keep your boyfriend away from that boy." Is all he says before walking away.

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