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A/N: I'm sorry this took so long to write, I had major writers block, then it hit me how I wanted to write it♡♡♡ please let me know what you guys think.


That was weird I thought to myself, I looked over at pumpkin he doesn't make eye contact with me which is weird. I walk over to him and lean down to whisper in his ear " is there something you want to tell me pumpkin?" He shakes his head no very fast. "Okay suit yourself" I say. Pumpkin grabs my hand and sobs into my chest that he's sorry, I don't know what has gotten into him latley but I rub his small back "it's okay pumpkin your safe now I love you." We walk over to Kevin and double d, "so this is very weird, and I think we all have lots of questions, so how about you guys come over to put cabin and I'll make us all something to eat, it's been a long night and I'm sure we're all hungry." Both of them agree, but I cant help but notice that double d has the same shameful look as pumpkin does, which reminds me what the hell was nat talking about? Keep pumpkin away from the other small boy, he looks harmless, I'll have to ask him later what he ment by that.


"Double d, are you okay? You are holding my hand a little tight babe." "Ye.. yeah I'm fine Kevin." We follow the other two boys back to their cabin which is weirdly only 4 cabins down from ours. As we step inside I notice the kid from earlier the green haired one sitting with another boy on the couch, " hey" I say to them the green haired boy stands up and walks over to me "Nathan Goldberg, and this is my boyfriend jasper" he says coldly towards me and he says nothing to double d. Intact he glares at him. I wrap an arm around double d protectively to warn the young boy to back off. "Okay, foods ready" Edward yells. Thank God we can get away from that nat boy I think to myself as i rush double d into the dinning room.

Double d:

This is not good, not good. That boy from the woods is here, he's going to tell Kevin what happened. I look at Kevin and tears start running down my face, if he finds out ill lose him forever, he will never forgive me. "Double d, what aren't you telling me, what happened that your so upset about?" I shake my head no, "not here I'll tell you later." Kevin seems to drop it. We all sit down at a long wooden table with Apple covered table cloth, the seats have cute cushioned pillows on them, Edward sits pumpkin down next to me and him and Kevin sit across from us. Edward asks Kevin if he would help him grab drinks and cups from the kitchen and both get up, leaving me and pumpkin in the dinning room alone. I turn to face him, I have to tell kevin, I don't ever keep anything from him, the boys face lights up with fear, "I don't care what you do but please leave Edward out of it, he will freak out if he finds out." "I'm sorry but I'm telling Kevin before that asshole in the other room does." "Asshole, no hunny I'm the booty king, and you have no idea what I would do. I'm glade your telling Kevin, pumpkin if you don't tell Edward I will, he deserves to know and he loves you, he won't trust you out of his sight but you and me both know he'll forgive you." Nat and jasper take a seatat opposite ends of the table and Kevin and Edward enter with 6 cups and lemonade, "ke... Kevin theres something I need to tell you right now"


Why does he have to say it right now, panick is kicking in and Edward is staring at me, with worried eyes, he leans down and whispers, "are you sure you don't want to tell me anything? You seem really out of it pumpkin." I start crying both of the boys take their seats. "So tell me double d, I know something is wrong with you so spill it." "Okay but we should probably leave right after" he says shaking with fear. "Kevin when I lost you as you know I ran away with pumpkin and well Nathan caught us kissing." Kevin and Edward turn to look at Nathan, then Edward gets up and leaves up stairs, "pumpkin get up here" now he yells.

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