is this real?

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A/N: (: and chapter 5 is now finished we will be starting 6 in a few days, I need to let my co writer work on a few of her stories, please read busted its very good and she worked hard on it♡♡♡


I couldn't believe my eyes, is he really standing right in front of me? I couldn't seem to get any words out, wh..what is your name? I stutter embarrisingly, Edward Vincent he says, that's impossible I think to myself because I'm dating Edward Rockwell and he looks just like him, where did you come from, how come I've never seen you before? He starts explaining that he's from peach creek and that him and Kevin normally don't plan a trip to the lake, but with all our friends having other plans over spring break, Kevin suggested we go to the lake just the two of us. I just stare in disbelief, wait you said kevin? What is his last name? I'm officially freaking out, where is Edward I think to myself knowing if he sees me with another boy, his last name is barr and you look just like him the boy interuppts my train of thought. What did you just say I snap, his name is kevin barr he and you look just like him he repeats, I can't believe it, there is no way in hell this is happening i must be dreaming


No oh dear god no, there is no way that this kid, this weird looking Kevin, is here in front of me, what is your last name I stutter hoping to God he doesn't say barr, Anderson he says, the boy keeps looking around frantically like he's scared of something or someone, hey are you okay? I ask him, he looks just like Kevin the same magnificent Green Eyes in that goofy smile he has, the only difference is this kid dresses like me and is smart like me unlike my kevin, he finally says I'm looking for Edward he will be pissed and jealous if he sees me with another guy, and I fear what he would do to you, just then it hit me where is kevin he would act the same way if he saw me here with this Kevin


I saw the look on small Edwards face, it was like looking in a mirror. He was just as scared as i was, are are you okay? That's what I asked you, then I realized you are right Kevin will not be please not one bit if he sees me with another guy, he will get mad and act out on his rage. Right then and there I realized we are both scared of our boyfriend's and that's not right, look Edward I know this is really weird but I think we could help eachother out, then I heard edd calling my name, kevin!!!! And then like on cue another husky voice Edward come on out i need to talk to you, I turned to look at edd he looked terrified, so I quickly told him, me and my edd were fighting that's why I ran off, and now I have to go, he grabs my hand and runs off with me. We don't stop running till we hit the old tire swing about a mile or two away from the cabin, at least now I know where I am, I start uncontrollably laugh and so edward, I can't believe I ran that far I say trying to catch my breath, Edward laughing right next me, me either he places his hand on my sholder and I lean in and kiss him, the kiss quickly turns into something more passionate really fast.

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