Ch.5 Movies

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Bellamy sat between Clarke and Octavia; they shared popcorn as the movie started. They went to go see the finding Dory. The girls were dying to see it and tell the truth, so was Bellamy, but he would never admit it. It was delicious, and they decided to go to a specialty dessert restaurant after. Octavia ordered a waffle with chocolate ice cream and brownies. Clarke had a chocolate caramel sundae, and Bellamy got a slice of dark chocolate cake. It was super good. "I'm going to have to work out for weeks to burn that off!" Octavia laughed in the car.

They laughed with her. "Me too." They said at the same time, then laughed some more.

"I still have so much energy from all that chocolate! What do you guys want to do now?" Octavia asked.

They thought for a second. "Mini put?" Clarke offered.

"Bumper cars!" Bellamy said.

"Yeah!" They agreed.

"Let's go; I know a place." Bellamy smiled.

"I used to love bumper cars as a kid. I haven't gone in forever!" Octavia exclaimed.

"I know." Bellamy smiled at her in the rearview mirror. "Remember that one time you hit the wall so hard you flipped?!?" He said, laughing.

She burst into a fit of giggles. "Oh my god yeah, then they ban me!!! But you got them to let me in again because we were their main business."

Clarke laughed. "How hard do you have to hit the wall to flip!?!!"

"Man, I was flying across that place!!!" Octavia grinned.

"She was one wild seven years old, that's for sure!" Bellamy laughed.

When they got to the place, they all paid and went in. They were the only ones there. They played for a good hour before deciding to go home and chill out. "What's next?" Clarke asked.

Bellamy raised an eyebrow. "Next?!? Princess, it's almost 10:00 now! There are no big parties, and everything is closed for the night."

She pouted and crossed her arms. "I know! Let's go back to my place and watch Finding Nemo!"

"Yeah!" Octavia said. "I'm driving! Come on, Bell!"

"Shotgun!!" Clarke called after her.

Bellamy folded his arms. "No way. I'm not watching that kids' movie."

Clarke grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bumper car's place and to the vehicle. "Oh, yes, you are!" She opened the back seat door, pushed him in, and then jumped in the passenger seat beside Octavia. "Drive! Drive! Drive!" She joked.

Bellamy laughed, sticking his head up front between the two girls. "Am I being kidnapped?" He said.

"Not it! We make you tell the cops you went willingly." Octavia grinned at her brother. She gave him a kiss on the cheek the pushed him back into the back seat. "Get back there! And put on your seat belt before you die!" She laughed.

They arrived at Clarke's apartment just off of campus and collapsed on the couch. They put the movie in and got comfy. Clarke got up to get popcorn and chips and sat back down between them.

"The beginning is so sad! You know! I can't believe the mom died!!" When I first saw this in theatres, I cried. And that thing in the black water with the light on its head!!! NOPE!!! Not today!!! That's literally why I refused to go to swimming lessons as a child!" She laughed.

The Blake's looked at her then each other. Clarke didn't seem to realize her confession. She grabbed a handful of chips and ate them, filling caught up in the movie. Octavia gave Bellamy a death glare. He threw her best friend in the lake and almost drown her! She had to go to the hospital and almost died! He mouthed, 'I'll tell you later.' He felt super guilty, but Clarke, on the other hand, was ultimately over it and moved on. He forgot to mention to Octavia that he was now teaching Clarke to swim. She wouldn't be impressed.

They turned their attention back to the movie. They had all fallen asleep before the film had finished. Bellamy woke up and looked at the clock. It was 3:00 am! He looked at the sleeping figures beside him and arranged them so their neck wouldn't hurt in the morning. He decided he may as well stay the night and slept on the other part of the couch. It was small, so he just had them lay on top of him.

In the morning, Octavia woke up first and found herself asleep beside her brother with Clarke sprawled across them. She laughed at their predicament. Clarke blinked a few times before fully understanding where she was.

"Oh, crap. Sorry guys." She said as she pushed herself up off of them and stood up. "I'm gonna make breakfast. What do you want?" She asked Octavia. Bellamy was still sleeping.

Octavia rubbed her eyes. "Toast is fine, thanks."

"Nutella?" Clarke asked.

Octavia smiled. "Always." She got up and stumbled onto the kitchen and sat at the table. "Last night was a lot of fun. I haven't got the chance to see my brother and hang out with him in forever! Thank you for inviting him." She said, smiling. Her head was lazily resting on her hand.

"No problem. Bellamy might be an ass half the time, but I really like him." Clarke smiled.

Octavia snorted. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

They made Bellamy some toast too and eggs and set the table. "Hey O, go tell Bell breakfast is ready?" Clarke said as she set down his plate.

"Yeah, sure." Octavia got up and walked back into the living room. She poked him in the gut. 

"Hey, wake up. Clarke made breakfast. It's on the table." Octavia said.

He groaned. "What time is it?" He asked, his eyes still shut.

Octavia looked at the clock on the TV box. "9:34. Come on up and 'at 'em!" She tried to lift Bellamy up. "Let's go, big brother breakfast is ready!" She struggled to say. She had her back underneath him and tried to lift him up.

"Alright, I'm coming." He stood up and caught Octavia as she nearly fell over the coffee table. 

"Jesus, O! Give me a second to wake up before just falling into my arms!" He laughed as he stood her up straight.

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Let's go! She made eggs and toast." She leads him into the kitchen, where Clarke was pouring orange juice.

Clarke smirked. "Hello, sunshine!"

Bellamy smiled and gave her the finger. "Thanks for breakfast, princess." He said as he sat down.

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