Ch.6 Recovery Party

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It was a few months after Clarke had broken her ribs, and she had made a full recovery. She and Bellamy started to hang out a lot in those months and became best friends if you would believe it. Clarke laughed at the thought. She despised Bellamy Blake ever since she met him on her first day at the university.


She tripped, and he happened to catch her. "Told you, Miller! I've been here 15 minutes, and girls are already throwing themselves at me!" He let out a deep laugh that echoed all around campus. "Sorry, princess, I don't have time for a quickie right now but maybe later." He laughed again at his own stupid joke and helped her stand up.

 She got up and shoved him, "gross, freak! I'm not one of your stupid, desperate sluts!" She stormed off only to realize they were going the same way and lived across the street from one another. "Ugh!" She groaned as he winked at her and waved while walking into his fraternity with his friend, who she learned was Miller.


Now she was close friends with Miller Bellamy and most of the guys in his frat. Everyone thought they were fuck buddies, but they never went there.

Bellamy slept around with multiple girls, one or two from her sorority. However, after he and Raven got super drunk and hooked up, Clarke forbid him from sleeping with any of the girls in her sorority. Many of them tried to get him in bed with them, but he always told them the same thing. "Can't sorry." And never gave much more of an excuse. He never gave in, and eventually, girls just accepted it and gave up trying. It was a challenge many drunk girls would try to take on, saying they could seduce Bellamy into giving in but not once since Raven had anyone succeeded. After Clarke put that rule in place, Bellamy told if he couldn't sleep with her girls, she couldn't sleep with his guys. "Yeah, that's right. No more sleeping with Finn! Don't think I didn't find out about that! I knew within the hour! I got sources everywhere, princess." He grinned down at her. 

She crossed her arms in defiance. "Fine." He took a swig of the beer he was holding, happy he had something over her. They were at a party when this whole deal was done. It was just known to everyone, and rarely did anyone from the sorority and frat hook up. It was a sort of unspoken rule everyone respected and usually followed.

Back to the party that Bellamy was going to through for Clarke. It was a surprise. He would get Octavia to take her out for the whole day, and everyone else would set up for the party. Monty and Jasper were on alcohol and weed. Raven had lights. Miller was on music, and everyone else was basically just making the two houses party safe and decorating the place. They put all the breakables from each house in Bellamy or Clarke's rooms because they were the heads of their homes. A few hours later, everything was ready to go. They collected $20 from everyone going to the party and made a tone of money that would pay for the boys' liquor and weed. Octavia showed up with Clarke 20 minutes after the party started, and it was in full swing!

Bellamy got a call from Octavia 5 minutes before they got there and met them as they pulled up. "What the hell is all this Bellamy?!!" Clarke asked. 

Bellamy grinned. "It's your 'congratulations-you-don't-have -broken-ribs' party! I threw it for you. Now come on!" He helped her out of the car. 

"You're the guest of honour!" He threw her up onto a stage the boys had set up and took the Microphone Raven handed him. "Hey everybody, listen up! The party suddenly stopped. Miller stopped the music, and everyone looked at him. "This party is for Clarke getting better from her broken ribs!" There was a lot of cheering. "I threw this awesome party for her because I still feel a little guilty about almost killing her at the beginning of the year!" He looked at Clarke standing beside him, and he grinned down at her. "So don't thank me for this party thank her!" He got down and lifted Clarke off the stage. "I could have just stepped down Bellamy." She said., He was still smiling. "Alright, Princess let's get you a drink!" He took her hand and pulled her through the crazy riled crowd to his frat to get the good stuff from Monty and Jasper. They got hoots and hollers all the way through the group. They sat down on the couch with their drinks, and Bellamy had a joint in his hand. He offered it to her, but she shook her head. He raised an eyebrow.

She laughed, "thanks Bell."

"You've never smoked, have you?" He asked. She shook her head. "Come on, your in university! You gotta try it at least once!" 

She smiled. "Okay fine. What do I do just like, suck?" He burst out laughing, and she joined in. "No, not like that Awww shit! That's not what I meant. That came out wrong!" She pouted, laughing. 

"Here. Hold it like this and inhale."  She nodded. She tried to do what he said but ended up nearly coughing up a lung. He laughed. "It's ok the first time can be a little rough" he winked

 She laughed still coughing and rolled her eyes at him. 

 "Okay, come here." He took another drag and kissed her, blowing the smoke into her mouth. She gasped then pulled back slowly and let it out. "See?" He said, smiling.

'Is he aware he just kissed me? Did he mean to do that it? Was he just trying to help me get it right? Oh god. I can't do this. I want to do it again. No, you do not have feelings for Bellamy! Bellamy freaking Blake! No! No way! But those curls and freckles... He's so hot!' Clarke thought. They finished their drinks, and Bellamy pulled her onto the dance floor. At first, it was just social dancing. Then he laced his fingers through hers, but she thought nothing of it. Then they got pushed closer by the crowd. And the next thing Clarke knew, they were grinding mindlessly on each other while talking and laughing over the music. 'How long have we been dancing like this?!?! Does he realize what he is doing? Oh god.' She kept dancing for a while, and they kept talking. Eventually, she was bored and said they should play some drinking games because she wasn't nearly as drunk as she wanted to be. She pulled him and a few other people over to play beer pong. It was her Octavia and Raven against Bellamy, Miller and Lincoln. The girls surprisingly did pretty well, and it was a well-balanced game, but the boys won.

 "Aww come, on, Princess! You know I could win this game anytime!" Bellamy teased. 

"Fine!" She crossed her arms, but I bet we could beat you in flip cup!" 

"Challenge accepted! Let's go, boys!" The girls actually did win. It was best two out of three, and they got two. Although they were becoming seriously tipsy. 

Lincoln laughed. "Okay. You're cut off." He steadied Octavia and wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her neck. "Let's get you some water." He lead her into the kitchen. 

Bellamy looked to Clarke and Raven, and Raven waved him off. "I'm going to go dance. Use protection. And make good choices!" She called over her shoulder as she left. Bellamy walked off with Clarke. 

"Can we go to someplace quiet? I'm getting a serious headache." Clarke said.

"Sure." He lead her upstairs to his room, and they say on the bed. She laid back and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Bellamy laid down beside her, and she closed her eyes, just lying there for a few minutes in comfortable silence. "What's up, Princess? You feeling okay?" Bellamy asked. 

Clarke nodded. They talked about everything they wanted to become and how many kids they wanted to, whether they like dogs or cats. They talked for hours and hours. Bellamy said Clarke could just stay in his room with him. He gave her a t-shirt and a pair of boxers to wear. He turned to give her some privacy as she changed, and she did the same they climbed into bed and fell asleep. When they woke up the next day, Bellamy's arm was wrapped protectively around her waist. She woke up, and he was still sleeping. She turned to him and buried her face in his chest, and fell asleep again. She woke up an hour later to him mindlessly dragging his fingers through her hair.

"Hey, princess." He said, smiling down at her. 

"Hey, bell." They went out for coffee together, then headed to their classes.

 "I'll see you later, Bell! We can hang out again. I have a test coming up, and I could use your help." Clarke smiled at him. He smiled back and waved. 

"Sure thing Princess!"

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