Ch.8 Its Miller time

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Bellamy ran into the class with two minutes to spare. Miller waved him over. He saved their usual seats at the back and gave him an annoyed look as he handed Bellamy his coffee. "Where the hell were you last night?" Bellamy huffed. Miller was his best friend, but he seemed to be off recently. Always down or angry. "I was with Clarke." 

Miller rolled his eyes. "The princess, eh?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

 "It's not like that- she was hurt!!" Bellamy nearly yelled. 

"Mr. Blake!!!" Is there something you would like to share with the class?" The old bird asked from the front of the course.

Bellamy rolled his eyes. "Sorry, sweetheart." He said sarcastically. Soft chuckling went around the level.

 "Enough!" She decided to let it go and continue with the course.

After their lecture ended, they went out to get a bite to eat and talk about Clarke. "What?!? Is she okay?!?" Miller asked, eyes popping out of his head, and he leaned across the small coffee table. 

Bellamy nodded. "Beat the shit out of the guy." He said. 

"So what? Fuck him!" 

"Yeah, I know, but dude. What if this comes back to bite me, and I get kicked out or something. This could spin real fast." 

\Miller nodded. "What did the guy look like?"

 "Didn't see it was dark. He'd be black and blue by now." Bellamy smirked sadly. He didn't regret beating the guy up at all, and he would do it again without hesitation. Still, he was also afraid of being expelled. 

"Look, I don't want to talk about it right now. We need to talk about you." He said, looking into Miller's dark brown eyes. 

"Me?" Miller asked, confused. "Why me?" Bellamy sipped his coffee.

"You need to talk to me, man. I'm worried about you. What's going on. Your not yourself. Something's wrong- and don't try to convince me your fine because you not! You're not fine." 

Miller fumbled with his jacket zipper. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about." He mumbled. 

The waitress came by, and Bellamy asked for the bill. He paid and walked out, dragging Miller behind him. 

They went out to Bellamy's car, and he started the ignition. "Where are we going?" Miller asked. 

"Someplace safe. Where I like to go to think and just breathe." Bellamy answered. Ten minutes later, they pulled up to this cliff that looked over the city. Bellamy turned to him. "Come on, Miller. Whatever it is. You can tell me. You have to tell me. It's ruining you." 

Miller sighed. "You don't get it. It's like my- like my chest. It hurts all the time." He tried to explain. 

"Miller... are you sick?" Bellamy asked, eyebrows scrunching in concern.

 Miller huffed. "No. It's not like that. It's like this sense of wanting something so bad I know I could never have a normal life. You won't ever look at me the same. I'll be kicked out of the frat. My life would be ruined." 

Bellamy listened intently. "Miller, you need to tell me. Now." He soothed. "It's okay."

 A single tear ran down his face, and he wiped it away. Bellamy pulled him in for a hug because he knew Miller never cried, and he fell apart. He cried his eyes out into the crook of Bellamy's neck. Bellamy held onto his friend tightly, never letting go. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Miller started to pull himself together. He pulled back. "Bellamy. I'm a gay man. And I'm in love with this guy named Brian." 

Bellamy blinked. "That's it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" Miller had tears running down his face. 

"Miller. Dude, I love you. You're my best friend. I don't care if you like guys. I support you, no matter what. I'm so sorry you thought you would have to hide this from the boys and me. We won't care." 

"No, you can't tell them. They'll kick me out. I didn't join the frat because I wanted to live with guys, I promise, but they won't believe me!"

"Miller. It was in 2017. They won't care. And if they do, they will have to personally deal with me." 

"No. no way-" 

"So his name is Bryan?" Bellamy interrupted, wiggling his eyebrows.

Miller smirked at the thought of the guy. "Yeah... he's adorable. He's a farm boy. First of his family to go to university."

"Wow. I want to meet him."

 Miller rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to let you scare him off." 

Bellamy gasped, holding a hand over his heart. "I would never!"

 "I'll let you meet him sometime, okay."

Bellamy smiled at his best friend "deal."

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