Ch.9 First date butterflies

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It was 11:00 on a Saturday. Bellamy was sleeping in because he didn't have class today when his phone went off. At first, he ignored it, but the caller was persistent. When he saw it was his sister, he was more than a little annoyed. "What O! I swear you'd better be in a pool of blood on the floor or something. It's Saturday!" 

"Sorry to wake the lion. Get up! We're going out for lunch. Be ready in 10. I'm coming over." Then the line went dead. 

Bellamy angrily grumbled to himself as he made his way out of bed to the bathroom in nothing but his boxers. The house was quiet as most of the boys were sleeping or in class. He brushed his teeth and was just pulling in his jeans when Jasper announced Octavia's presence. 

"Oh, hey, Octavia! What's up?" Jasper asked, somewhat awkwardly. 

"Sup Jas. Where's Bell?"

"Up here, O give me a sec!" He hollered down the stairs. 

"I told you to be ready!" She patronized. Octavia was a morning person who had already gone for her run this morning. 

Usually, Bellamy ran around campus too, but today he wasn't feeling it. Luckily for his sister, he could go for a panini at the little Café on campus. He wore a tight-fit tee shirt, jeans and his classic black leather jacket. "Ready?" He asked, twirling his keys around his finger. 

"No, it's nice out we're walking!" Bellamy rolled his eyes and took off his jacket, hanging it by the door. It actually was pretty nice.

 If he knew they would be walking, he would have worn shorts. He shoved his keys back in his pocket. "'Kay, let's go."

They made their way out the door, and Octavia waved goodbye to Jasper. As soon as they were out of earshot, she turned to him. "You are killing me here!" 

"What?" He asked, confused. 'Where is this coming from. Why is she like this? It's so hard to follow.' 

"You and Clarke!!! It's been months!! You could cut the sexual tension with a knife-"


"It's true!" Bellamy rolled his eyes. He still didn't like his little sister thinking about sex. 

"I don't like Clarke." 

"No. You love her! And she loves you!"

 Bellamy raised an eyebrow.

"See?!?" She gestured to his face. 


"Ridiculous. You are taking Clarke out tonight at 20 hundred hours (20:00 aka 8:00pm) and going for dinner. That's an order.

 "I do like Chinese." He mused the idea over. 

"No! Not Chinese!! That's what you get when you hang out and watch movies all day! A sit-down-nice-place-wear-nice-shirt kinda date! Okay, I booked reservations at Mount Weather." Mount Weather was a five-star place an hour outside the campus.

"What O! I didn't agree to this!"

"You didn't have to. But you will pick her up at 7:00 no later." They walked into the cafe and sat down. They ordered their sandwiches and talked over other things.

Later that night, Octavia called him and made him send her a picture of what he was wearing. A simple white dress shirt and black dress pants. 

She texted him "🔥😘" back. 

"Gross O, I'm your big brother." 

"🙄 whateves Bell be safe." 

"What does that mean?!?" 

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