Chapter 26: back to Busan Korea

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Cacey's POV

I was worried between Lara and Jo. It's not my business but I think they have unfinish issues. They're keeping their feelings to themselves and no one will make the first move.

My brother don't have a soft attitude. He wants to look cool but he doesn't know that someone there is waiting for him to make the first move. He's so clueless and Lara is so innocent.

I called unnie Cacia to help me out. We need to make a good excuse plan for the two of them to have a time of their own.

Lara's POV

Friday afternoon end of classes start of christmas vacation December 23 and I'm finish with all my classes and exams. Good thing christmas holiday is here. Yeah! I have more than a week to rest and watch movies!

I was shocked when unnie Cacia called me and told me to pay umma a visit 'cause she's not feeling well. It's rare that she called me. I was so nervous, what could have happened?

It must be very urgent that she called me. I can't say no and it's an emergency.

"Mama," I called. "Ma, umma kaila wants me to visit her. Unnie said she's not feeling well." I told my mom while she was cleaning the sink.

"You should go. Wait? How about school?" She murmured with a worried tone.

"Ma it's christmas holiday, remember."

"Oh! Well, How about christmas?" She look sad. Don't make that face ma.

"I'll just tell unnie to have my return as soon as umma is better"

"Okay. So when will you go?"

"Now? My flight is 4pm."

"What? it must be urgent. You must go. Did you pack your bags already?"

"Not yet. I just received the call."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go, I'll help you pack. You'll be late on your flight." she grab my hand and guided me upstairs.

We finish packing about 5 minutes. My mom is really fast. After I change my outfit, I grab my phone and say goodbye to mama and went off immediately. Jaira wasn't around and mama is incharge for explaining her where I went.

It took me more than an hour of travel from our place to the airport. Just in time for my departure time.

With an hour of flight delay, I reach Busan at almost 11 pm.

Only Unnie Cacia and oppa Donghae, unnie Cacia's fiancé pick me at the airport.

"How's umma?" I ask unnie Cacia as we walk to the parking lot.

"She's better now. Sorry for the call. We just missed you and it's christmas so..... are you angry?" She look down and I smile holding her hand.

"No. No... You can call me anytime you want unnie. As long as I don't have school stuff, I'll definitely rush to come here." I assured and she looked relieved.

Umma was not really in serious illness. She was just having a flu, that's all. Weird family but I'm thankful to have them.

"Umma is feeling better and you're here and it's christmas so let's have a family bonding tomorrow." Unnie Cacey proclaim. Everyone agreed so there's no protest to be done.

Jonghyun's POV

It's almost christmas and we're here in japan preparing for our christmas eve mini concert.

-Line ringtone-

I saw my line message, Noona? What wrong?

Cacey: busy?
Me: yes. I'm in Japan right now
Cacey: too bad. Can't make it during christmas?
Me: we're preparing for our mini concert this December 24 christmas eve.
Cacey: after that?
Me: I don't know, we don't have schedule yet.
Cacey: can you come home?
Me: I still don't know yet...
Cacey: If I tell you someone is waiting here for your return would come home?
Me: don't make fun of me noona.
Cacey: *insert Of picture of her and Lara*
Me: it was taken months ago.
Cacey: she just got here and she's spending christmas with us. Still don't want to come?
Me: be there soon.
Cacey: -laugh out loud emoji- don't forget to bring her christmas present.
Me: don't make fun of me. I know.
Cacey: just reminding you. Bye.
Me: -bye emoji-

Lara's in Busan. What would I give here? Chocolates? Too sweet but she love's it. Maybe flowers.. Hmmmm. Blue roses would be nice. She love's blue and white. Ahhh a mix of the two. No! Wait! Blue would be much better. Wait! Red is for christmas day. Urghhhh!!! Blue roses is final. I must book a flight after concert. I must go there as soon as I can. I have to talk to her to clear things up between us.

Cacey's POV

We book a small private resort just for us family for 3 days. My plan was to have Christmas here with the family and then after which we left Jo and Lara alone for another day. 'Hahahaha' I give an evil laugh. I'm happy with my plan, but will it work? Let's just see about it.

We prepared our stuffs for our 3 day family bonding. Everyone was ready including Lara. Unnie Cacia and I prepared some cute dresses and outfit for Lara. She has this style of not really caring how she look like. She has a boyish character but very soft and girly on the inside. Jo must have been missed it. He must dig and know Lara deeper than he usually know her. Maybe she has a different attitude which he would be surprise.

I send Jo our location. Christmas eve was fun with our family around. We spent the whole night taking, laughing and eating.

The best part was teasing Lara into having kids with Jo. She looks so cute. I hope Jo was here, he would be the same as her.

Midnight came and fireworks were awesome. Hours later, we're ready for bed. Umma and appa are in the same room, unni Cacia and her fiancé Donghae was on the other and I was with Lara.

5 am when I receive a text from Jo that he was already at the airport coming here. I immediately stand without waking Lara. I went to Unnie Cacia and Donghae's room to inform them that Jo was coming. After which we went to Umma and appa's room.

We had a sneaky plan with the two love birds. 'Hahahahahaha' an evil laugh went on my mind.

So what should happen next?
A christmas special??? hmmmm????

WARNING: unedited 💙💙💙💙💙

Thanks for reading!

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